Water out ofthe Rock, a type. 2;99. water is and goewithout it ; but wemutt neverbe con tent with our eflate (though it be never fowell with us for the world)till we rile the fweet comfort & ftrength ofGhrift and his merits. Tocontinue thy thirft, obferve two rules. i. So long as God bath any grace to give, or is not weary of giving, thou mull not be weary of thirfling,begging,asking. z. Só long as thou wanteft any grace, or any meafure ofgrace received, thou muff thirft ffill.Ever be defiringone good thing after another, andone meafure of grace after another, till thou beeft compleat;and then fhalt thounever give over this thirft while thou liveft here. 2. Ifrael thirfty runs to the rock : fo in thy thirft run Thou to the rock.Doft thou thirft for pardonoffinne, for grace of fanctification, for fence ofGods love, for affil- rance of eternall life ? come to this Rock for fupply. Art thou ready to faint in thy (mule for want ofgraceand conafort,art thou ready to finke in forrows, feares,faint- ings,wants,dangers ? runne to this fountainewhichGod hathopened for thee. To move thee hereto, confider Motives. J. the rock it felfe calls thee which art thirfty (which thatrock could not doe) loh.7,37. Ifany manshirtt, let. himcome to me and drink!. 2. That to runne any whi- ther elle, is to forfake.the fountaineof living waters, and digpits that will hold no water. Let Papifls runne to the puddle watersoftheir owne merits, or feekother Mediators or?nterceffors : fay thouwith the Apoftles, Lord thouhaft the words ofeternall life, andwhitherAould wegee ? Let others runne to humane helpes and reme- dies in their forrowes ; to cards,dice,merrycompany,let them runne todevils and witches, and make them their rock : Let thy heart fay, The Lord is my Rock.: and if the word were notmar comfort, Iwere fire to finse in my trouble. 3. Ifrael comming to the rock, did not onelydraw from thence, but drinkeheartily : fo wemutt not onely come Continue Aill this thirft: Rules. Have recourfe toChrift. (bench thy thuftand l;e .- fatisfied.