3®o Water out ofthe R. ock, a ope. Three motives. Rom. r4.I7 corne to the placewhere Chrift is preached,btrt wemull beleeveinhim, and fpecially apply to our felves the me-. rit of his death. For as drinking is a fpeciall application 'ofwater to the thirfly body, fo by beleevi«g in Chrift we fpecially apply the waters ofgrace to the refrefhing' ofthe foule. To 6elecve is to drinke this water,loh.7.38. with Ioh.4.14.Nothing could quench lfraels thirft(being bodily)but water: and onely faith quenchethour fpiritu- all thirft:And therefore (as they to c 5! ofcs) we muff fay to Chrift, Lord, giveus faith to quench our fpirituall thiríL Let thefemotives provoke us todrinke thefe waters. I As Ifrael was by drinking that water revived and re- frefhed, fòonely thefe waters fromChrift quicken us with new life, andcoole theheat ofragingand accufing confciences. Every beleever hath true tranquillity of heart, and ¡oyes ofthe holy Ghat within him ; yea fo plentifully doe thefe watersof coi folation rife from the Rock,that he that drinkes them is laid tohave the king-. done ofGod in him, whichhands, in righteoufnef fe, peace, joy, &c. 2. What madnefhe and folly is it to lay about us ío eagerly for this puddle; water in comparifon, and catching with all greedinefle at the bitter-fweet com- fortsofthis life, which prove poyfon ro themoft ; and negle61 the fweet and pure'ftreames offaving watersof grace flowing from the true Rock j E sus C H R I S T. Wee reade what ftrife andcontention was among the Je\ves for wells offpringwater ; and now no man will lofe a di(hfiull ofwell water but he will know towhom: and (hall weonelynot care for the water oflayinggrace, which coil Chrift fo deare before he could open the well of it for us ? 3. When the woman ofSamaria heard Chriftfay,that he that dranke ofthis waterfhorldthirß no more : Lord, faith fhe,give mee this ,vater,that Imay no more thirf, nor come hither to draw,Ioh,4. t 5. So let itltir tip our deiresafter itallo, that wee may getwithin the well