VVaterout ©fthe Rock, aope. 301 well that fpringeth'up to eternalllife. 3: What meaner may weufefor theattainingofwal- Means to get . ter out ofthis rock ? water out of rock. Anf 4 I . Be an Ifraelite. That rock was fmitten onely for them : This rock is laid in Sion, not in Egypt. No Egyptian, noCanaanite,no Romith Egypxian that drinkes of that Popifh puddle , no profane worldlings tafte ofthefe waters ; fwill and draffe is good enough for fuch fwine. 2. Come to the place. lfrael rnuft goe 1 out oftheir houlesas well to fetch watet outofthe rock, as to gather Manna. The place whence the rock fends water is the threfhold ofthe San tmaary,E.tFCh,47. Iftvee will not iliac out ofour dores, weemay juftlyBarke. 3. AvoidLetts and hindrances that damneup thefe wa- ters : As, I. Ignorance of their worth, and ofthyovr,e neede; Et:á'- sees.. Ioh.4. z ó: Ifthou kaerreft thegift°o.ÌGod, , thoet womidd ì haveasked, &c. Good reafon, thou want it,whoOink, eft it a thing thou mayft befi want'. Martyamong us(likei TantAluu)in the midit ofwater die for thirfl. z. Hard= ` neffe ofheart, which keepesthe fatale dry axebattenb¡ andabiding in thenaturáll hardwireof a xk,á the wa- ters ofthis fpirituall rock are loft upon it. 3. A quench- ing andgrieving of the fpirit:this turns the ftream ano- ther way,that it finds another channel. ;reeve nottle fpirit,but grieve rather that thy felfeart foftráit -necl ed j a veffell. 4. Secure neglect of meaner. A man that will be rich followes the meanes : Co he that meanetl) t9 ' be rich ingrace : whereas he that meaneth todiea beg ger,cafts up all andmakes holy day at his pleafure. 4. Provide i. the bucket offaith to draw ; for the Fie.pes . zrellis deepe, and without this bucket thou gettefl none, Ioh.4. r I. z. Find a fit veffellto put the(ewaters in : As T. a cleane veffell ofa pure heart. Whowould put Pquavit or Balme water in a fury and (linking bottle ? a.: a whole veffell, that it leake not out againe. This whole