Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

306 Brazen Serpent, a type ofOrig. (Ephef. 6. i 6..) for three reafons. i . From the man- ner and cuflome of fouldiers in times paf} which call: poifoned darts, the poifonofwhich inflamed the woun- ded bodies, and made the wounds incurable. As now many out of deíperatemalice poifon their weapons and bullets to make fure with their enemy : So loth Satan by all meanes poifon his darts to (peed the Chrif}ians foule. z. Becaufe as fiery darts they inflame and kin- dle in the heart all manner ofburning luf}s and finnes, one of them being but as a fparke or firebrand tokindle another. 3. Becaufe they leave for moft part a caute- rized and feared confcienee behind them, as iftheywere burnt with an hot iron, which makes the firmer flung fenílefi'e of his wound. Whence is another miferabïe difference hetweene the flung lfraelite, and the flung finner. The former was alwayes felt with griefe and paine : but this often not felt, and fomore defperate. Thirdly,the effect ofthis flinging was death in many. And fò the effe a offanne is death in all. The flung Iíra- elite had death in his bofome, and no other could be ex- peeled : fo the guilty firmer is flung todeath. In his na- ture is every man theConne of death, and can expel nothingbut death every moment. And as the flung per- fon in the wilderneffe had no meanes in himfelfe nor from others,toavoideither the ferpent or death from it, till God appointed them the brazen ferpent : So the pnore (inner was deflitute of all helpe in himfelfe and others, till the Lord appointed jefu.s Chrifl the promi- Ced feed, to breake the ferpents head. There liven no name elfe, whereby msft be faved,A .g. t 2. Firfl notehence, how deceitful) are the p!eafiires of finne. It is as a fweet poifon : Io6 20.1 2. fweet in the mouth,but poifon in the bowels. What wife man would drink a draught ofpoifon for the fweet tafle ofit ? Wic- kedmen hold fanne as a fweet morfell : but Cower fauce fdllowes it. Secondly; 3 The rnortóiI effedof it. b/'ervgtio4 .. :