Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Brazen Serpent,a type.ofChrill. ir, yea approch it, and fetch our falvation and happineífe from it. 2. It refembled Chrift in the forme ; for the forme , Serpents is forme was of a ferpent. Firft a ferpent is of anhatefull and how. contemptible [nape and appearance : fo was Chrift in his ownehabite, Ifai. 5 3. a dejfiifedHaan, a worme rather then a man ; men a feroent wás accurfed of God their So eyes. Secondly, the p Chrift lay under the curie of finne for us, Gal. 3.13. Thirdly, that was but like a ferpent ; in the formeof a ferpent, not a ferpent ; ithad onely the fhape not the life, fling, *or poifon of' a ferpent : SoJefus Chrift was the fimilitude of fnfull flefh, but no firmer. No venim or poifon of finne was found in him, neither inhis na- ture nor aFtions. Rom.8.3. bee was in the fimilitudeof finfoll fiefb, as that ofa ferpent, but without all fling or fpot of finne. The third thing in the appointment is the end or ufe ! End and nfe of' the ferpent. It muft bee lift upupon a pearch that all I of ir: what Ifrael might fee it. Which plainly noteth both the kind ofdeathwhich Chrift muff fuffer,asaltothe proper end and vettue of it : as in thefe particulars. i . Both muftbee lifted Fl : So Chrifls crucifying is called an ex- altation from the earth, ¡oh. i 2.31. 2. Both mutt be ex- alted uponwood; thePole a type oftheCroffeof Chrift. 3. Both among the Jews ; out ofthe Church is no fal- vation. 4. Both tobe looked upon ; one with the eye of the body, the other with the eye of faith. 5. Both the other of torecover e frees life corpor li death,lthe other from fouie , o fpirituall and eternal!. I I. The applyingof this remedy was nothing but 2. the looking upon the brazen ferpent : which fignifed 1 Application'of the fanners beholdingof jefus Chriftfor his cure. The the remedy. meanes of application of the remedy was the eyeof the Ifraclite : So the inftrument of applyingthe remedy by X3 3 °9 oaPY.ós ctpccap4cxs