Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

31 Brazen Serpent, a type ofChrí. 3. The laving effeEt. By Chrift farte mareexcellent. jefus Chrift, is the eye offaith, which is the eye ofthe foule. So our Saviour Chrift himfèlfe expoundeth it (Lh.3 .) As the brafen Serpent waslift up;fo/hall thefonof ?nail, that whofoever beleeveth in him&c. That which ( '[ofes call's looking on the type, Chrift calls beleeving in himfelfe the truth. Which if the Lord had not pur- poled to expreffe, he could as eafilyhave remooved the Serpents, as appointed the making of another ; and as eafily have healed them by his word,as by this figne: but hereby affords them a double mercy and cure, or e of'the body by the figne, another oftheir foules by the thing and truth thereby fionifyed. II F. From this application followes afaving effe The Ifraelite by looking lived, and received prefent cafe, with freedome from paineand peyfon : So thebeleever looking onChrifi by theeye offaith, hath an heavenly life reftored; prefent eafe from the paine ofaguilty and accufing canfcìence ; freedome from the poyfon offinne both the guilt and ffaineofit. But herein the truth is advanced above the type. . That brazen Serpent hadnot power in it feu e to cure; this bath power in it felfe.. 2. Whereas they were cured to dye againe;beleevers attaine a found cure, never to dye more, ¡oh. j [.26. 3. Whereas that did not alwaies re- tain e the verrue ofcuring, our brazen Serpent dull ever reraine power and verme for the falvation ofbeleevers, looking towards him,to the end of theworld. 4.Wher-. as this brafen Serpent, now a remedy againft poyfon, was after turned to poyfon the Ifraelires in Hezekiahs time ; whichmade him ftampe it to powder:our brazen Serpent ever rernaineth the foveráigne and healingGod; as unchangeable in his goodneffe, as hee is in his moft holy and divine nature. s. That remained a great while, about feavenhundredand threefcore yearis, be t af'rer was defaced and def}r& yed : Our brazen Serpent can never beedefaced or def}royed, but abides the Sa- ,viour