BrazenSerpent, a typeofChrill. \viour of' {inners to all eternity. Oh now what a fweet Sermon cloth this one type centaine of the whole fumtne and marrow of the Got- , peal ? what a pregnant tetimony and vaticinie is it alone 1 of the death and pa±ion ofjefiis Chriff,as alíó ofthever- tueand merit ofthe fame? and confequently what a prop and {fay ofour faith , ? in what a whofegname alone wee can us to ]efus Ch fav ec ? Seri. 3. I. Note What weake , unlikely , and contrary meanes the Lord ufeth, to effea great things for his Church, and in his Church. Was there any fenceor rat- .1 fon tobe conceived in all thiscouniell and ordinanceof God in healing thus his eople ? i . Could a Serpent of brafîe,a lhape onlymore Neale then hurt l them ?and fiery fo adeadSerpent prevaile againff many and im Serpents ? 3. Shall not this (lope to the wound Ser- pent be fo much as touched or app y but the fight ofit onely inconceivable is this ttolhumane really infliaed ? How reafon which perhaps would h count it foolifh he might by manyother ridi- culous ? But the Lord (thoug more mighty and likelymeanes)will by no other meanes of%ft their deliverance. ooved themt;gifnot that, he could as eafily haor hee ve have hindiTedf mfame poyfái hha e; made a might powerfully remedy : but he choofCth moft unlikely meanes. Why d th the Lord thus ? et/itfre. For three reaCons: i. Hee will have his people Tooke for helpe del é ásnwhence nohelpe canbe deal in Each meanes t p expeaed but onely divine. er ireane revaile agate {}living world cannot make a dead 4 p ferpents, 3" Obfervation I. God helps his people by weak,unhkely, and contrary meanes. Andwhy he Both fo.