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3I2 qx x IríoniF. Z. PromigT- 3. Examples. Brazen Serpent,a typeof Chrifi. ferpents, but that Godofall theworld towhom all crea- turesobey. 2. Hee will have his people hereby know and acknowledge thepower of his word. For it was not the Serpent as it was braffe , nor as it was lifted up, nor as it was beheld, that could heale them, but as unto this lgne was added, the. word, firft of commondement, fecondly ofpromife. By vertue ofwhich word the infec4- ed performwere cured. Pfal. i o7.2o, he_rent out his word and healed them. Gods word alone can make a Serpent Neale, and a dead ferpent rellore to life. 3. Hee will thew the mighty power of his arme, which hath ever by weake things confounded the mighty. See this in examples. When God was to fave Noah from the deluge, one wouldhave thought it fit tohave reared him up a migh- ty turret ofironor Adamant, or founded him force in- vinciblebuildingupon force mighty rocke tohave re- filled the waters : But Noah mull build himfelfe a weak. Arke ofboords and a little pitch, and that mua floatal the time,and fuflane all the waves and billowes without mall, flame, or Pilot, or any the like meanies to pre- ferve it. When God was by loArta to demolifh the mighty walls ofJericho, he bids him not fer againfl it hugeen gins or warlike Ramms and batteries to batter it ;even dayes together, but beemull call downe the walls with looking on thern,and winne theCity by walking about it feven dayes ; and onely blow upon- it with Rammes homes, but not lift an hand or Weapon againfl it. Iefh. 6. When God fends Gideon againfl an huge army ofMi- dianites toovercome them, a manwould have thought he would have furnifhed themwith armour of proofe and munition fit for the warre, but Nee puts into their hands trumpets and pitchers and lampes within the pitchers,and bids themnot fight but onelymake a noyfe, y and