Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

314 BrazenSerpent, a type ofOri/I. ._ r ávxnedols Z. toTttpynQu 3. Kingdome of Antichrift,how fit for deffru- dion. More fpecially 2 Thef:23, whom the Lord jball confume etnda6olifb : There is, both a cenfumption,and an extin- lion : The former weehave feene, the fècond as cer- tainely remains in ¡hort time to be done,Rev. i 9.zo,z r, The beali and the fal(è Prophet fhalbe taken, and their flelh mademeat forthefovles cf the ayre.There is more f}rength in this word ofGod, then in all Antichrif}ian limbes and captaines. All Babylon, Ph_yfitians (hall not i beakher, for great is the Lord whowill deflroy her. If this be the time it ¡hall forward apace;ifdeferred,ror for- gotten. 3. The cau'è in hand is Gods caufe, againfl a King - dome; i, contrary to Chrifis whole Kingdome; z. a Kingdomede1}inated to defiruchonby God; 3. aKing- domeagainff which Chrifiian Princes are called to fan- difie their fwords , and to fire her , and to retourne doubleaccording todie whores workes; 4. a Kingdome in which every member is an high blafphemer, and ought to dye, no eyepittying them ; 5. a Kingdorne, an infinite encroacher upon Chriffian Kings and King- domes, and diflurber of all their common and publike peace,by claimes toall Crowns,fcepters,lawes,fubjecti- on:but God is with his caufè, and therefore it is firong enough. 4. Thecaufe is not therefore at an end,becaufe foy- led ; nor farther fromvitiory, becaufe the parry feernes weaker,and the meanes incomparable, Iudger Zo, (Erne( had the better caufe then Benjamin, and more number of fouldiers , and were prudent and expert in warre as it appeares byfome firaragems fet againfi the enemie; yet was foyled and broken twice .becaufealthoughGod had beene fought, yet not fo ferioufly as was fit. 1 fthe Ifreel ofGodhad fought the Lord fò ferioufly by falling, pray_ er, and fooind humiliation, the powers of Antichrif} could not prevaile. But great are the finnes of the' Church,which muffbe corre6ted;arsdGod will bemore 1 earnefily