Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Brazen Serpent, a tyke ofChr:Ï1. carneftly fought to be found in fo grèat mercy. Againe, Salomonobferved that the race was not alwaies to the fwift,nor thebattaile to the flrong,nor for their ftrength.. Gedeons armie may be too many for God to give vie`tory by:Meaner are tobee ufed, not nulled in; andwhether they bee likelyor unlikely, God will fave his Church, either by them or without them. Therefore let the Church lookebacke to that ofMofes, Exod.14.14, The Lordfball fightforyom,andy ee fhall holdyoaarpeace. See?. iï. his Obfereatióna. d n0 The eye of faith mull fhut the eye of reafon. 3I owne eye,andmakes a brazen Serpenr;though ne na reafon for it. And the people having a word of com- mandement and promife ; fhut the eyeof eheir reafon, andopen the eyes of their faith, and by beholding this faape ofa Serpent were cured ; and found life restored not by a thing having li`e,but by a dead thing. Learn how the eye offaith mußfhut i p the eye of our reafon; and ha- ving ä word ofGod, looke confidently upon it, be it never fo unreafonablc or improbable. There bee foure things which a man hall never attaine, till the eye of his faith clofe up the eye ofhis reafon. z . Hee (hail never attaine the true knowledge ofdi- vine things. Gods wifcloine hath no greater enemy then humane wifdomenot fan `'tified : No menhardlier nor feldomer converted then worldly wife men ; as the Scriptures, which fay, not many wife, and experience fhewes daily. What wifer men in the world then the Philofophers and Stoicks of Athens ? but when Paul came to difpute among them of do&rive ofreligion, he was called ababler, A0. t 7. r 8, -what will this bablerfay? and reafòning among them of the refurreion, hee was deridedand mocbed,ver.32. Wasnot Fefn a wife man, and aprudent governour ? andyet then Paul preached I Without which 4.things can, not be obtai. ned. i.The true knowledgeof divine things. gPf.t.0%Oy6-' it