316 Brazen Serpent,a typeofChrif. tohim noother things then Mofes and theProphets had foretold of thefefufferings,death,and refirrrec4ion,Feffus tells him,too much learning hadmade himmad, 4E7.26. 24. Ioh.9.6,Chrifl tocurea blinde man tempered clay 4ndfpittle together, and applyed it to his eyes, and bids I him goe to Siloe : A remedie likelier toputout a mans 1 eyes then to recover fight. There was no reason in the Ì earth ofthe remedy,but onely to try whether the blinde ' mandid conflantly beleeve. Yet iftheblinde manhad not wholly refigned himfelfe to Chrifl, and fhut uphis ovine reafòn ; had not he acknowledged Chrift able to do what hee would bywhat heewould ; and to bee the fameGod whoat firfl put all fences into a piece ofclay, andnow by a piece of clay would recover his fence, he had never feene, but remained blinde till. So every naturali man , borneas blindeas he in fpi- rituall things,till hewholly fubmit himfelfe, and fubdue his reafon to the meanes appointed, (hall never fee any thing to falvation, but abide innaturali blindneffe fill. What hope bathhe tobe taught by the fpirit, that muff give lawes to theSpirit ofGod ? or what a short met- wand is naturali reafon to measure divine things by, i Cer.I.2 r, & I Cor.z.14 ? Whyelfe did thefe jewes efleeme the do rive oftheGofpell fcandall , but that, reafonof fleshwould not nor could behold lifeandglo- ry in filch a bale life and ignominious death as Chrills was : nor could holdhim the Mefïiah who was madea curie upon the Croffe, as if hee had beene crucified through infirmity?and this vaile (as to them) rernaineth at thisdayunremooved. And whywas Chrift foolish- neffe to the Grxcian , Mt that reafon would not yeeld, that lifeshouldbe fetched out of death, or falvation to be fought in curie and maledic4ion. z.Fairh: as in t. Hee that (huts not the eyeof reafon cannever at- fìxparticulars. taine faith. There bee fixe things which a man cannot Ibelceve, fo long as he flicks tonaturali reafon. .. Firfl,