Brazen Serpent,a type ofChrifl. 317 Fiiíf, he cannot beleeve thewordofGod, nordepend upon but (corne the ordinances of God in the word preached, and Sacraments admìnifred, which is the vi= fable word. Reafon unrenewed cares not for this foal lt,/.hneffe of preaching, r .Cor i .z 1 And to a carnall man the threatnings of God are like Lots warning to his kinfinen ; he was as one that mocked or jelled. A pro- mile to acarnall heart, is as tafleleffe as the whiteof an egge. The wirer men are, the further off they are from beleeving in a crucified God, or conceiving that by the foolifhneffe of preaching Godwill fave fuch as beleeve. Flefh andblood reveileth nothing. Secondly, bee cannot beleeve the maine promifes of God, which cannot bee comprehended but by the eyeof faith, andnot by that till theeye ofreafon bee fhut up. God hath prom ifed his prefence, favour and love with his children : how can reafon conceive the truthof this promife, feeing them inhunger, thirf}, wants ; hearing them reviled, fiandered, difgraced; obferving them calf out of companies , and focieties as refüfe and out- fweepiñg; that were their hopes here onely, they were of all men moll miferable ? Reafon will not be per- fwaded that God can fend us by hell toheaven, yet that is his promife. Humane reafon will never pray, ttiry Matt.* 46, God a .A hm hvehbeleeed h e b prornilè ofa boneby So rah, had he looked to liaturall reafon ? Thirdly,hecannot beleeve the maine Articles of faith, that hath not refîgned uphis reafon. Example. Reafon will not beleeve an happy refurreaion, feeing the body rakedup in duff and corruption, but denies this Article. Reafon cannot conceive or beleeve an eternall life, be- caufe it fees it not given but todead men. It cannot ap- prehend how the Sonne of God fhould become the fon of man, or that this Sonne ofman was borne of a virgin without man. And Co. ofthe .ref t. Fourthly,