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318 ..11111.0. 3. Obedience which God will accept. Brazen Serpent,a typeofChrill. Fourthly, he cannot beleeve the miracles of Scripture forconfirmation of Gods truth and our faith. Naturall reafon cannot beleeve that the Sunne ever flood ííi1!, as inGibeah,mueh 1e8ß went back ten degrees,as in Heze- k ahs time, z. Kìxg.zO i I. Or that6ire fhould defcend which naturally afcendeth, and feed upon water contra ty to nature, as at Elrod. prayer, i . King.' 8.39. Or that fire fhould raine do`,vne ( as on Sodome ) which is pro- per towater. Or that fire fhould not burne the three children : Or that water fhould (land as a wall ( asin the Red fea, and in the river Jordan ) whofe property is tobe fluid. Fiftly, he cannot beleeve the worke ofcreation, Ole will beleeve reafon; the univerfall confent of which is, That of nothing, nothing can beemade ; and not any thing ( much leffe all things ) out ofnothing. To reafon therefore it will be incredible that therefhould be light before the Sunne,or fruits beforeany raine,as in the Crea- tion. Heb. a 1, 3. By f aïth wee know (not by reafon) that the worlds were framed by the wordof God, fo that things which are feene were not madeof things whichdoe appeere. Sixtly,he cannot beleeve the great work ofRedemp- tion. For,naturall reafón thinks it unreafonable,that the life of the Church can bee fetched out of the death of Chrift Thata man canbe ¡unifiedby the imputed righ- teoufneffe ofanother,andyet there dwell fo many finnes in him. Reafon will not beleeve that one man can reco- ver life by anothers death : no more then one man can live byanothers foule, or be wife by anothers learning, or be curedand brought tohealth byanothers difeafe. 3. So long as the eyeof reaí'on is open, a man (hall never attaine found obedienceunto God. For much of that obedience required at our hands is cleaneagainft cor- rupt nature : As the whole doctrineof repentance, of mortification, or watchful! andcarefuil converfation, of reftraining