Brazen nt, a type ofarifi. \ 319 retraining our (elves in unlawfull liberties, yea and in lawfull ; all crottes reafon. Had Abraham ever facrifì- ced his fenne, had he confultedwith reafon ? HadPaul ever joyned to the difciples to preach that doctrine which bee had perfecuted, had hec confultedwith fleth and blood,Gal. 1.1 6 ? What other reafon canbee given that the word powerfully preached is fo generally fruit- lea, but that men think they have reafon not toobey e fo at leaf} not in all things ? They fee no reafon i precife ; nor is there any wifdome to bee fo forward. ' Reafon tells them they lee few great men fo ftri , but a few defpifed men are to earneft. ,Heaven and 4. Hee (hall never attaine heaven, 1. Cor. 15. S 4. glory thcnd Flefh and blood cannot inherit the kingdome of heaven; of. g d either cloth corruption inherit incorruption. By fleth and h to andcorrupt e blood is meant t e vitiate eft ate of than ; or ! flefh and blood fevered from the fpirit and grace of G©d ; or the man unregenerate having onely Beth and blood. So C%'tatt. 16. 17. Blefeel art thou Simon texas, for flefb and blood hath not reveiled it unto thee, but my Father. So as here is not required anabolitionof fie h and blood in the being and tubtlance of it, but anaddition of new qualities. As in Chrifts transfiguration was not an extinaion of his body, but an acceffe of in-' credible glory ; without which change none can get to heaven. /ob.3..3. Except a man be borne againe,he can- not fee the kingdome of God. The Aponte adds the reafon, i . Cor. t 5.5o. Gods kingdome is incorruptible; flehh andblood in it felfe is conupted, and fonot capa- ble of that kingdome. Therefore to come to heaven thou muff bee changed in thy will, reafon, wifedome and all. Sea. V. Pte.. r Belccve the To apply this : word ahfo' 1. Labour to bring the eyeof faith to the word : elfe cutely. (hall