320 Brazen Serpent,a typeofChrifl. (hall we be ready to reject holy doarine ( asabsurd and impafïible ) as Nichodemus did thedoftrine of regene- ration. Why elfe doe molt men live noother then a na- tural!life, in the midit of fo many fupernaturall and di- vine means, but that their reafon refifts the Spirits per- fwaGons ? Why are many wholesome do6trines daily di11afted and quarelled against by our witty men ; but that they think they have better reafon to doas theydo, then any that we can bring out of Gods booke ? Why else doe fo many fall back to Popery and idolatry, but becaufe theycast off the teachingof the Spirit, andgive themfelves to another teacher agreeing with naturali corruption and reafon ? If a man were to bee led onely by reafon, and it were lawful! to can off religion, t would choofe to bee.a Papiff, by which doftrine it is lawfullto be every thing but a found Chriftian. There- fore though fome Apoftats are gone from us, wee need not carehowmany fuch turns Papists ; for suchwere and are their gracelefl'e and lawleffe courses, that it were pity they should bee of' any other religion then that which yeelds men fomuch liberty. I I. Pray for that eyefalve wherewith to anoint our eyes that wee may fee, Revel. 3 .1 8. This eyefalve is no- thingbut the /iraof illumination, working found and Pavingknowledge in the mind, by which their naturali darkneffe is enlightned, as eyefalve sharpens and cleares the dim fight. This is proper to the regenerate, that they have receivedthe anointing, which teacheth them all things, that is, al needful! things. I II. See what need wehave to captivate our owne wifedome and reafon, beingoneof the highest turrets and holds in us exalted againfi God, 2. Cor. i o. 5 l fthis be not brought into fubjeetion untoGod,we can never be- come his fervants. The Apoítle in the fame verfe fhew- etla what mutt be cast downeand captivated ; his words are, Callingdownereasonings, and bringing into captivity ,( every,! ¡Te. z. Pray foreye- Calve; and what it is. fTe. 3. Captivate thy ownereafon & wifdome.