Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Brazen ent,4 type ofChri%ße Set p 32,1 _l Every thought to the obedience of Chrift. Thefe reafo- nitigs and cogitations ( the froth of humane reafon ) mull bee refifted, yea removed. Thou mu ft become a Foote, to be wife. As a full vef-feil cannot hold any more, and no wife man will offer to powre any thing into it, ifheewould not {pill it : So an heart filled with carnall wifedome, is an encapabieveffell for the Lord to powre his wifedome into. He fill the empty veflel, and teach - eth the humble. Obey without reafoning or difputing , though the commandement bee never iödrtrbcult, or feeme unree(o- nable. Abraham left his owne countrey, andwent hee knew not whither at Gods commandment. One would have thought that this hadbeen folly in him,but that the Scripture acquits him, and faith, beedid it by faith,Heb. 11.8. And in a more difficult commandement heerote early to flay his fonne, not reafoning the cafe with him- felfe, nor with Sarah, nor his fonne, nor his fervants. The difciples whenChrif} badethem leave all and fol- low him, did fo prefently. Here let us confider : I. How reafoningwith flefh ,tlMotivei. refills the commandement. 2.King. 5 .I 2. IVaaman be- ing commanded towafh feven times in Iordan, growes angry, and falls into compariCon of the waters ofIfrael and Damafeus;Are not Arbana & Pharphar,bctter thenal the "raters in lfrael, &c. But had not his fervants been wifer then hee to perfwade him to fo fmall a thing, his reafonhad returned himwithout kris errand, The }tong i man that came fo hai}ily toChrift hearing a commande- ment, goe fell all, and give ro the poore ; went and con- kilted with hinafelfe, but Chrift hares no more ofhim. i a. To follow reafon is to follow acrocked rule. But admit it were ftraight, yet is it defetive and too fhort for myfteries above reafon. And ifitwe re ftraight, and large enough,yet it is a party, and fo unfit tobe a judge in cafes betweenGod and man. And therefore there is no Y