Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

32L Ridiculous in- fiance ofPo- pii19obedience to Saperiotus. Brazen Serpent, a type ofChr:ß fit judge in divine things but the word which Bands equally affe'led betweene God and min. 3. Wee reade much of the blinde obedienceof Papifts in their works to their rules and Superioras, of things fcarce credible, but that themfelves have publifhed them in writing. One Afafeud a Francifcan tumbled him(elfe in the dwft: and crawled like a childe, becau e St.Francis faid..they could not bee converted uhleffe they were as littlechildren. Anotherofuur Coantrey calledThro mortoe, even in the Article of death, was fo dutifull to his Superiour, as he would not die without his leavee- ked ae Everard a Papift writeth in hiscommendation. Another called Barcen ( as Diego a great jefuit relates) was fohumble and dutiful!, that when the Devil! appea- red untohim; hee ranne tomeet him, and prayed him to fir downe in his chaire, becaufe bee was more worthy then himfelfe. The jeuitsare fo formed to obedience by Ignatius his rules, that whatfoever fervice they are fet upon by their Superiour (fàppofe it never fo mif- chievous) they muti fly upon it witheut queftion asked. So as ifone of themwere talkingwith an Angel, if his Superiour call him, he mutt in11antly come away. Yea if the blelfed Virgin vouchfafe her pretence toone of the brethren, ifhis Superiour call him, hee muff prefently break away fromher and obey him : as he writes to the brethren®f Lufitania, and a thoufand fuck. To what end name f thefe follies, but by Popifh and wicked lc- perilition to condemne our heavineffe in Gods Com- mandements ? They mutt (hut their eyes of reofon and difcretion toobey tl!cir Superiours : Wee múádif- puce all inour obedience, which ought to beeabfolute. Their wickedcommandements mull not bee laid inany fca'es to bee weighed : Wee will weigh all Gods Commandements in our owne falle ballances, and fo theybecome too light, and unworthyofobedience. 4. There is not themoll heretical! doctrine or opini- oñ