Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Brazen Serpent, a ope of Ghrífl. 323 on that ever was, that foundnot Patronage and prote- e4ion in the corrupt reafon of man. Not to fpeakofdam- nable ,Írrìans, or Ncf1orians, or madManichees ; come to the herch e that now reignes, and fee the truth here- of in it. ueff. \\Thy hatla the leaven of Popery fpread and Cored thewhole lutnpeof the Chriftian world, anden- larged and fixed it felfe in all Countries for to Many hundreth }'cares ; that even in Countries above a hun- dreth yeares reformed it gets ground ; and neither fe- vere Laves can mailerit, nor time caft it out ? Anfrv.- Surely becaule it is a devife of humane rea- fon, upholding human reafon, and upheld by corrupt reafon which fir{t fet it up. See it in parts, and in whole. Firtt for the parts. 1. Seemes it not good reafon to choofe,defend, and flickunto our forefathers religion ?i for fo the old idolaters thought : Ier.44.17, they would {till facrifice to the Qleene of heaven, becaufe theirfa- thers didfo. But Paul would notconfúlt with flefh and blood in matter ofreligion; nor .Abraham withhuman reafon: This their reafon alto is as abfwrd in true reafon, as ifa forme were bound to put out his eyesbecaufè his father was blind; or never toenjoy liberty, becaufe his father was in prifon ordyed in a dungeon. 2. The do urineofrnerit, and ¡unification by works runnes with nature, as (Luk, t 8. 18.) in theyoung Pharifee, Matter what good thing &c; for fame would it finde force goodnes in it felfe todemerit God : Whereas the fecond Commandemcnt faith,God fhewesmercy to thoufands in them-that love him, and keepe his Commandements. TheLords prayeralfo teacheth us to pray for dailybreads.. A likely thing that he can merit life eternal(, that cannot merit a crumme ofbread. 3. The Interceffion ofSaints and worfhipping Images {lands onely on the legs of humane reafon againfi divine wifdome. Carnali men Y 2 would Maas reafon, the,mochcr cf henries. ? t9íß ance in the Papifts. Proved in parts