And in the vvholc, Brazen Serpent,arpeof(trill. would fee their god, and turne his glory into the fimili- tudeof a calfe, or other creature. And is it no reafon we fhouldhave Mediators ? For why íhould every rude fellow thrull into the Kings pretence, and not firffmake way by force ofhis Court ? But divine wifdomefaith, there is but one Mediator,and that we mull come to the Kingby thePrince oncly; and it is high treafon to cone by any other. 4. Carnali reafon teacheth that every man is full ofdoubting, and therefore no man can cer- tainely beleeve the retnifion offins, orbe affured of his ovine falvation. But divine reafon teacheth us that this doubting deflroyes not faith, but exercifeth it; and in ourCreed webeleeve remiffton of' fines, and eternall life ; which is more then to beleeve ingenerali as devils doe. Secondly, for the whole dotrine and religion of Po- pery how plaufible is it to the natural! man ? For, i. What eafier faith then to beleeve as the Churchdoth, nomatter what ; without any knowledge or faith _ of their owne ? How at one blow cut they Off all payees in getting aífurance,holdingorincreafingofFa th ? z.What an eaiie principle is it,that tobe ignorant is to be devout; and that it is vaine labour which is (pent in the Scrip- tures;as Hoer faith; and that they are the bookes ofHe- reticks,and they hereticks that read them. -What need we be at any paines to read, ftudy, and meditate in the booke ofGodnightand day, as the Saints have done ? How vas the holy GlIoft' deceived, yea and holy men who have ftudied in Gods Law night and day ? 3. How plealì ^g is it tonature, todeny it to bee fo corrupt as it is; to íay,it is but halle dead,ani2being a little helped can keepe the Law, and come out ofGods debt ? whereas Eph. z , a & ç,what can a dead man doe but rot ? 4.How pleafech it nature to offer releafe from finne, from hell, from purgatory for money ? Who would not whore, fweare,prophane the Sabbath, refill Magi flracy, riot &o. 1 if.