32.6 Obfervation.3. What isto'bee done,to bee cu- red fpiritually. I. Wee mull fee our fclves flung and wounded.' As withdeadly poyron:in4. 1 thi rg>. Brazen Serpent, a typeofChrift, fuch rules as would make them as defpifed as himfelfe is. Alas that the wifdome of'God fliall be a rule onely for our judgements; but reafon muft guide our praetife 2. Ordinary hearers thinke theyhave reafon, to profeffe religion fofarreas theymay thrive by,ir, and profper in the world;whofe.godlinefï'e is pine : To;truf} God fo farreas they fee him in fame fort, elfé'not To favour religion and religious perfons ;when ,times do; elfe not. To avoidpernicious.and dangerous finneswhichlaw re- vengeth,as murder,adultery, theft;but not covetóuf3cffe, not ufury, not fwearing, not uncleane tufts. Herod will notpart with his Ilerodsa4. Ahabpath no reafon to re- fpeft Micah whenhe prophecies evill tohim. 3. Trade' :men, oppreffe, corn, lye,deceive, &c, becaufe they have :reafon to makethe belt of theirowne: ' What reafon but theymay ferve Cuftomer upon the Sabbath , fo they come to Church? They have reafon to flip all op- k'ortunitiec ofgraceall the weeke, becaufe they' xnuf} rwaikedifigentiy in their callings the fixe dayes. Thus rearm' fiepsin and thrufs aide the prahife,Qf that which men in judgement hold not for good and necef- fary;and like Evah't 11 longingafter forbidden fruit. Thusofthe fecondjobfervation. :i 'zrt, l,rá: 1 H. Seeing all ads in this .wildeineffe Areftung with the .old Serpent, wjaarart.we todoe tobe.cured Anfw. we are to doe fivethings. z. We muff feeleout felves.f}uog with our finnes, andconfeffe our felves fl ang;for fo muft the Ifraelitebe= fore he could be cared. Wemuff feele the poyfon and paine offinne; and Firft, that thispoyfon hath not fea= red it felfe inone place, but }tath crept and diffufed it felfe through all our,parts. For therefòre it is called venen ir,