Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Br azcn. Serpent, a typeof Chri- 3Z7 renentsm, gtsodper venas eat. And as thevaynes and blood runne through every part ofthebody, fo finne through every part of the man. Secondly, as poyfon never refts till it come to the heart, and there ftrikes and corrupts the fountaine of-life :. So our finne bath mortally woun- dedour very hearts, an inflames the life paÿwith an ine foule. Thirdly,as poyfon - credible thirft, havingovercome natural moyfture, and eatenup the fpirits : fo finne in the fouleworkes an ut- ter defeat, and dryes upall waters ofgrace, and makes the firmer infatiable in drinking up iniquity like water. Fourthly, as poyfon not prevented brings fpeedy and '. certaine death, but not wltoofon of tìnne uncocr9 and in- tolerable torture : fo the poyfon brings certaine and eternal' death, attended with bor- rowofconfcience, defperate feares, and torments moll exquifite. Thus mutt we labour to feele the flingofour fin in all parts far more mortal! then the molt veneinous ftings ofmoft direful! Serpents. S. When thispeople felt them felvees l thofoad they come to Moles for counfel . depend upon the Miniíter for direttión as they upon eihrofes. Never was man fenfibleof this fling,but he would runne to theMinifters: efl. 2.37, when they were prickedin !their hearts, theyfaid to Peter and therefl., Men andbreth- 1 ren,avhat fhall are doe? e471. 16. 30, the podre jaylor be- ing ftung and fenfible ofhis paine came trembling and humbling himfelfe to Paul and Silas prifoners, faying, Sirs, what moll I doe to bge/aved ? A confcience truely wounded willfeeke to God, tohis word and Minifters; Ifor it know es that Godowondets and beautiful! lo he feet of him that brings good g an Ihumbled heart, even as an experienced Phyfitian to a 1 ficke party , who elfe were Pure tobe loft, for want of meanes. What marveile ifs fouletruely fenfible ofhis Iflingand paine can runne t4 4 Miniftcrs ; when a I counterfeit 2. Come forcoú- fell,to fpirituall phylitiaus.