Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

SerpentA typeof ar on, that bathdrivcn,them toGocle and to his.veord ate fervants. 3. Comming to t Nefes, wherein, do- they iniplcilt them?what queftionsmove they tohim ? Ntusk. 2L.7, Oh their faire troubles them which they, confcffe' in generall, 2ehavefinned ;anti in part-itiilar, tree l v e: ipakem etgaivfl the ,fiord and againfi thee ; and. them pray hirn.tm hellae them in. removing the Serpents : So, theu being: flung, when thou cornett to Gods /Ainifters wilt be ccn verfánt in fruitfull and ediñable: qu.efiions; thau.isufl be.1 free in coitfeífion,of filch finnes as are the 1iketyc carafe oFI thy trouble ;arid intent andbufiehow to he ridofthe Ser- pents,and the flingand poyfon of thy füines. Thou will! be carefull to know how, to get, eafeofheart, andquiet-.j neffe;ofconfcience from thepaine and fling of time-, See theconverts 4E1.2:and,fothe jaylor, What AallI.doto,Fii j faxed.? The fault ofmany iâwhen they . have_meanes oFcoun.. fell and,cóForr prefent with them, to waft their time in trifling and curious gtaeflions, and i.npertinent:toithe. cureot the flingof the.Serpent. Qtlettions,whiehi are like Crafifhes in which is more picking then mean. iOueftions meerely-idle, the, refbludon of which helps, ithemnowhit to eafe,or toheaven. An humllledhreare will not fo lofe his time, nor dwell in toyes and untie- 1 ceftäries, to thrufl out things more profitable, A wife2 heart will not for a fhadow forgoe the fubflanct; [nevi willbe much inthat quefl-ionofthe youngman, Mr. whavi may.I doe to inherit.eternail life: ? what may. Ii de -:.to i be faved ? what may I.doae tobe ridof thisSerpent, and I of that;of this,finne and ofthat ? I tow_may.i doeto get imaftery ofmy ccarruptions ? In going toGods Miniflers let thy errand bee the fame with the Ifraelites in their going to Mofei; how tobe rid of the Serpents: 4, Atofes_direas them to the.brazenSerpent ex for their cure ; for Mofes hiiiÇelfe connaot heipethern. Mofes 339 Cdnfe ffe fpécïal linnes. 4 Gò w?lolly cut of thy felfe, and all creatures.