_3 o tambera. BrazenSerpent, a type of C hrifi. 4lofer law cannot cure them ; that rather fharpens the ring, and thralls it deeper into the flefh and fpirit. He direas them to no merits or works of their owne to cure them; for their merits brought in thofe pcyfoned Ringsamong them;but he fends them quite out of thenm- felves to Gods ordinance, which was the brafen Ser- pent. Thom art never in the way ofcure,till thou art fent out ofthy felfe; out of the Law and works ofir, which nowcannot juftifie ; till thou comme(f to theEvangeli-' call brazen serpent, there is nohope ofcure. tks theIf- raelitecould never be cured till hee acknowledged the brazen Serpent theonely meanes : fono more canif thou f till thou acknowledge J E s u s C H R i s T the onely healing God ; and that there is noother name in heaven or earth to bePavedby but the name J E s ti s. One) Chaff, onev Chrifl, faid that Martyr : for he onely can give a perfect righteoufiiefi'e : he onely can coverour im- perfeetions : heeonely beingno (inner, could conquer finne:he onelybydying could conquer death : he onely by entring into the grave could fweeten it :he onely by fuflaining theforrowes of hell could (hut hell for all be- leevers. Had .Moles fent the Ifraelites any whither but to the brazen Serpent,he had deluded them,and they had loft all their labour. Who now is fo void of judgement that cannot dif- cerne whetherour religion or the Roman be theancient and true religion ofMofer and the peopleof God If aman flung with the ferpent come to us for counfell and cure as they togofer; wefend him (as Mores) out of himfelfe to Chriff onely, the true brazenSerpent. Our Ì doctrine leads him out ofhimfelfe, out ofhis owne me- rits, out ofexternall works and ceremonies unto Chrift who is our peace, and left his peace unto beleevers.; and by this meanes through Gods bleffing the patient at- f tames true tranquillity of mind, and inward peace of (cinfcicnce: and rejoycethwith anunfpeakable andglo- rious--