Brazen Serrnr, el type ofChrz, 33`x_ rims joy for his recovery, as the Ifinelites did in theirs. But let a man flungin confcience goe to a Roman tea- cher, bee leads him any way but the right, anywhither fo not to Chrift. In head ®f Gods certaine dire:ion in the words of the Prophets andApoffles, which teat- íìe of Chrift the onely brazen ferpent 5 they fendhim to 1 unfound anduncertaine fpeculations,. fables, traditions, equall(fay they)toScripture; and forceofthem fay,farre better. InHead ofChfifts fatisfaftiou andmerit , they fend him home to his owne merits and fatisfaeions; bywhich (fay they) he may apply the fatisfattien and merit ofChrift. But in cafe he be fo bad as he haveno merits ofhis owne, the Church bath a Treafury ofother mens merits todifpenfe by taile, fo he will come to the price. So he may buy oyle enough to fill his lampe out ofthe Popes Exchequer ©r Burfe, filled to the top with workes of fupererogation. But ifhe make force fcruple ofthis;leaft the wife virgins havenot enough for them- felves and others;then theymay have the facrifice of the Maffenot to faile,but never apply that one andonly facri- fice upon the Croffe it felfe. Now whetherofus agree with Mofes ? 5 . As the Ifraelite muff looke upto the Serpent lifted up :fomuff. thou looke up,and behold Chrift lifted&I4p. This mutt thou doe two waies. Firft on the wood :ofthe Croffe; fecondly on the throne ofthe Kingdomeboth of g race and glory. Behold Chriff lifted up not in hisabafe- ment onely, but inhis advancement. Firft, in the 'King- dome ofgrace, as bee is lifted up in the word and Sa- craments. Inwhich Chriff is mightily declared theSon ofGod, and preached theSaviour of the world:Gal._3.t, AmongwhomChrfl Wa$ crucified. Secondly in his king- dome ofglory rayfed from the dead, afcended.into hea- Yen, and exalted at theright hind of God above all prin- eipalities and pówers; Phil. 2.9, God hashgivenhim a .ngrtewhich is above every name. Now the looking on Cbrid ,5! Locheoneli unto Chnft. Twow1ies: 1. Ratione Lig'rri. ,ftatio gra te 71e legni dot*.