Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

ftra,Ztri Se: ent, t reàf hri l Chrifl thus lifted ups is theacgoffaith, nota bare intui+' 'ion, fight, or vifion, asto.beleeve that Chrífl was this wurlued,ontheCroffe,and in his Kingdom;but it.is appre- kunliveand.appl;ieatorÿ, and to'beleeve in C n c r ST crucified andglorified. This lookinghark three things in it. r. To beleeve that bee was the Sonne ofGod and Ifonwe of rnan;our.JJmantaek 2. That he being.fo, was lift upfor the falvation of b leevers. 3.;That my 6:4f affrredly truft and depend on him alone, aq theiolhy 'author,- meritour, andbeftower Evaneelicall lookingon theSerpent. Now becaufe this looking is the principal) thing in thecure, we will confider, i . How. this locking cures us. z. Howwee know weeare cured brour looking. 3.Morives to flirreusnpRill to looke onourSerpent. How this+#oo- king cures us. By faith. r6.3r. Andhow by faith. Sea, YI I. I. When the Ifraelite comes toMojes and asked], Oh what Ball I doe to be faved from death, being fo deadly flung ? A full anfwer to this quefiion was, goe looke upon the brazen Serpent , thou (halt be whole. So ifanhumble foule (fuppofe the Jaylor) (hall come to the Miniffer as Parlor Silaf ; Sirs what may I doe tobe fared ? the dire i anfwer to this queftion is, Beleeve in the LordIefur Ckrif.>z, andthouAlit befaved:and, yee are -faved by faith :and,Thy faith pathmade thee whole. Rue.'f. But how doth faith fiveus ? Anfir. Not as it is an excellent grace,noras anyweck ofours.We are notfaved and cured for beleeving,but'by beleevng.. i. Becaufe faith is the:condition. of t e-Co_ venant, and ofourcure ; as lo rking was the condign ofthe cureofthe Ifraelite.For itüvasnot the Hying Brazenserpent, nor the lifting it-up couldcure; butthe ilraelitec looking upó kt:fo It rs'not the hearingofChrifl, nor-the liking ofhim up in the Minifiery, -nor know- ledge 't