BrazenSerpnt,,a type cfChru/L 1 333 ledge of his meritscan fave, unleffe they be received bg faith. Apotion never fo vertuous, is fruitleffe if not ta- ken. As meat uneaten ; fo is Chrift not digefted and ap- f plied by faith. 2. Faith cannot cure, confidered fimply in it felfe as a quality, or s ertue, or gift, or habit ; but confidered re- latively with his objeet, which is jeftisChriff, the Lord our ri.bteou(neffe ; for faith is the eye of the foule. But I as it was not the eye of the Ifraelite, but the eye fèt up- on the brazen lerpent that cured him : fohere, faithup- onhis object cureth, becaufe onely faith draweth vertue from Chrift, as in the Syrophcenicran who touched Chrift and was cured ; but not by toriehing, but by be- 1 leeving. More plainely in this comparifon. As a jewel included in a ring enrieheth a manor healeth him ; it is not the ring doth it but the jewell»and yet none have the jewell without the ring : So jefiis Chrift is the onely jewell and antidote agrnft the deadly poison of finne. This jewell is included in the ringof faith. Now it is apparently Chrift the jewel' that juftifieth, enricheth, 1 cureth ; but wee cannot have him without the ring of ifaith which includeth him. So as faith faveth and jufti- fieth us onely as a meaner, fuppofe the handof the íbule to convey Chrift to as for juftification, which no other grace can doe. So not faith, but Chrift applied by faith, 1 that faveth and cureth us. 3. As no Ifraelite could bee cured butby his owne fight of the Serpent ; and no mancould bee cured by an- other mans lookingor feeing it : So muff every jai man live by his ozone frith HH6.2.4. No man can be faxed by Ìanthers faith, or the faith of the Church, but by his owne fpeciall faith, beleeving in particular uponaffured (rounds the rerniffion of his ©wne finnes. I I. My what marks may I knOW that I have looked on this brazen ferpent for cute. Anfw. By futre marks. 2. Marks of one cured by loo- k:ng to Clirift.