33q- BrazenSerpent,a type o Chrí . p f Foure qualities r If thine eye have beetle rightly af1'eaed ; which ()fate eye that will appeare in fourc particulars. Fir!i, ifit be a difcer- looks to him. nix?' eye cleared to fee in jefus Chriíl two things ; the firit his power, the fecond his will to cure. That bee is able to helpe, being the mightyGod ; and that flee is willing to cure, being a compaffionate Saviour, who him fclfe was flung to death that he might have compaf- Pion on them that are flung, Heb z.18. Secondly, if it bee a 'Not/me/Sill eye. .Hee that had féene the lfraelites running about the brazen ferpent,fhould have fetnema- ny a teare falling, and heard many a deepe groan; and pitifull complaints of their deadly paine and poifon. Hall thou come to jefüs Chrift with förow in thyheart, with teares in thy eyes, with lamentable groanes and complaints ofthy miferyby finne ? this is to looke upon him for cure. Zach. 2.10 the members ofthe Church ,fhallbeholdhim and móurne,as a man for his onely bonne. Such lookers onhim, he lookethupon andeafeth, Matt. I 1.28. Come unto mee all that areweary andheavy laden, and1 will cafeyou, Thirdly, ifit bee arrif ing andcra- t vines eye; for there is affeEtion as well as vifian in the 1 eye. As the lame man that lay in Solomon porch ( 4a, 3S) wilily looked on Peter and John, expeting to re- ceive fomething from them : fo nodoubt did the Ifrae- lites on theSerpent. And fo Inuit thou hold onwaiting and expeeting found cure from Chrift, & take no denial! ÌI till thou bee fullycured ; for fo did theCanaanitifh wo- manprcvaile: Fourthly, if' it be a faithful/ftedfafl eye ; a beleeving eye carries cure fibril Chriit. Chrift was wont to aske fame of his patients that came for cure, if' theydid beleevehe could helpe : and in the cure, Accor- ding to thy faith bee it unto thee : and after the cure; goe thy way,thy faithbathmade thee whole : and much Emore works bee the cureof foules by meanes of the par- ties faith, and not without it. iz. If themugweregone, and the poifon of the fer- pent