Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Brazen Serpent, a type ofcbrill. pent abated, this wasan infallible fine that the Ifraelite was cured. Confider if' the power and rage of finne be removed,the guilt ofit gone by juftification ; ifthe poy- fon and (laine of it bee abated and dailyabolithed, now art thou in the wayofcure. But if the poifon rernaine, that finne lives in thee, prevailes and raignes in thee, and commands thee as formerly ; thou halt not yet loo- ked on the ferpent for cure. juftification and fanaifica- tion are infeparable. 3. A ceafing o&paine, and cafe and comfort rent). red; which when the lfraelite felt,it was a figne hewas cared : So if after fente of paine and griefe of fpirit, thouhaft received found peace of' confcience, joy of the holyChott, and comfort of a good eftate inChrift, that thou art able upon good grounds to challenge thy righ- teoufneffe in Chrift, and maintaine thy felfe ftedfaf}ly affirred and cheared in Gods mercie, and the goodnetfe of' an excufing cottfcience ; thouhaft now looked.upon Chrift and Chrift upon theeFor perfect cure. 4. When the fling with the pains was gone, the If- raelite could goe as ftrongly and chearefully about his bufineffe as ever before ; he hadnew life, new ftrength, newmotions, by which he might be fore he had looked upon the ferpent: So if thou cantt find fo happy a change in thy foule, as new life, new, motions, new a&ions, new affec ions, and in a word, the whole renewedna- ture ; all the{e are the fruits and effeas of thy faith, and faithfùll beholding of Chrift, and of' his looking upon thee. OF this new obedience and renewed ftrengthof a Chriftian-having lately fpokeh, I paffe it over more briefly. I I I. Motives to flirreasup to this lookingupon our 2. Serpent, are : Motives to r . Nothing elfe can cureus but Chrift. TheIfraelits look up toour hadgold, Calve , Manna from heaven, water out of the ¡ serpent. Rock, yea the Arke, the Oracle; but uoue of all thefe can 335