Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

BrazenSerpent,es type ofChrl healed. Hence it is, that the Lord will never 'have this Brazen Serpent taken downe as the other was altera (port time, but bath appointed the Miniftery to lift him up, and hold him perpetually before our eyes fo long as wee areherebelow, and enjoyned us theconfrant nfe of itall thewhile wee are in this wildernefle, whichwere needleffe ifwe hadonce attained our perfec4 cure. This is a ftrongmotive to holdour eyes fart faxedupon Jefus Chrift, till wecome to enjoy him as he is ; when all Mi- niftery thall ceafe, and theLamb (hall beall inall. Sell. Y I 1 I. From this fo excellent a figure arifeth abright Sunne oflightandcomfort for all the faithfull. z . The Ifraelite that could looke to the ferpent, if his eye were never Co tender,weake,or dimme, yet was cured. Thou that art theweakeft beleever, beecomfor- ted, thy weakefaith (hall fave thee, thy fmoking flake (hall notbequenched, but cleared to farther brightneffe. Thy weake hand (hall bee able to receive and hold the gift ofrighteoufneffeand eternall life. It is not thegreat- nefJe ofthy faith that faves thee, but the truthof it. Yet with this caution. If it be true it will ftrive to encreafe. And, ifthere bee fomuch comfort inweake faith, how much is there in [bong ? z. The Ifraelite flung never fo often if' fooften bee did lockeon the ferpenr, fo often hee was cured. Oh fingular comfort 1 Thou that renew& thy fiones every day, and every daygoeft over the fame frailties, renew alto thy faith daily, and thy repentance, and thou art fafe. That brazen ferpent loft his vertue of healing, but our Brazen Serpent never lofeth his. 1 fthou finneft feventy times feven times, and fo many times returnelt by faith inChrift,and fay, It repents mee :by this looking upon thebrazen ferpent all thofe woundghall be cured. Yet z with Vfe ofcomfort, ing.particulars.