-Brazen Serpent,a typeoff Chrift, with this-caution. That as hehad been á madd Ifraelite, who, becaufe there was a ferpent Pet up to cure hirer, would thereotfe renneof purpofe among ferpents tobe flung by them : So is beeno leffe wide & a Chriflian, who therefore willingly makes his fïnne abourd,becaufe grace bath abounded.. Amaid man he is that will there- fore breake his head, or wound his members, becaufe he bath a foveraiga.e ptaiflerby him. 3. The Ifraelites flungnever fo deadly, never fodef- perately, never fò longwounded, yet looking on the fer- pent were cured. If thy finnes bee as redd as (carter, and never fogreat: ifin thy fenfe fotne one ofthem defervea thoufaud hells, and theguilt ofit or them rings continu- ally in the cares of thy confcience, frighred with feares ofhell and death ; if thy finnes bee fettered and of long continuance : Now come to the Brazen Serpent. Never was any Ifraelite that could Tooke on the ferpent, Pent away uncured : But there is ten thoufand times more vertue in Jefus Chrifl, then in ren millions ofbrazen fer- pents ; onely locke on this Serpent by theeye offaith,. turne from all thy finnes, and be Paved. 4. The Ifraelites looking on the ferpent brought pre- fent cure and cafe, and they went away rejoycing. If thou beleevefl in jeftrs Chriif, thou art pettedlycured. As Chri i was wont to fay to his patients, fo I fay ro thee, Goe in peace, Thy faith hath made thee whole. Onely this grace can quiet the heart diftreuled, and can . keepe it from finking as once it didPeter,Mene i 4.29. In this is the beginning and accomplifhment of' thy happi. netfe. The converted Gaoler went away rejoycirg that he h ishortfebeleevcd ,AR.Y6.34..Novwif one fight offaith in this our abfence from Chrìff bee fo joyfull a thing : what Il:all theEght of fruition doe inhis prefence ? s. The Ifraelites having once the brazen ferpent, ca- red not for the fiery ferpents. They might fting them now, but not much hurt them ; they might nowpoifon them