Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Ifaac 4 type ©f thrift. chargeable, elel if' thy obedience mull cofl thee Come part, or the whole of thy eftate, lookeon Gods powerand goodneffe. So the Prophet toAmaziah, z. Chron.z 5.9. what (hall we doe for the hundreth talents ? The Lard . is able tofive theemore then this. 06jet1. But I know not whether hewill. Sol. Faithaffures it felfe there is never any loffe in obeyingGod. It knows, theway to keepe Ifaae,is to giveup Ifaae. It bath a promife, who- foeverforfaketh houle, lands, &c. for Chrifl, heelball have anhundreth fold. I I. In both wehave a notable type of our refurre- &ion. Ifaae was raifed the thirdday,as from the dead : but Chrift indeed railed, notas Ifaac for himfelfe, but as anhead for his bodyand members. Which affureth us, I. That wee (hall rife out of all pety deaths and dan- gers, for our head is abone water. Though the billowes ofafflkClions inward and outward may rinfc us, and run over us, yet they fhall not drowneus becaufe our head is aloft. They may threaten andaffright us, but íhall not drown and deflroyus ; we (hall wade out well enough, becaufe they can never goe over our head any more. 2. That we shall at the Taft day rife from all the death of mortality and corruption ; in which argument the Apoltle is large to proove, that becaufe Chrifi the headit rifen, the members muttalfo rife againe, i .Cor. i S. i 2. For, 1. Can or will a living and powerfull head be alwayes difinembred and fundred from the body ? 2. Becaufe Clarift role not as a private perfon as Ifaaa did, but as the firfi fruits of them that flept, verfe 20. 3. Becaufe Chrifl inhis refuttec4ion is oppofed to the firfl Adam, verfe 2 I : For as by the firfl Adam comes deathon all ; foby the fecund Adam refurre&ion from the dead. This is a Titre proppand flay againfl all the miferies and occurrencesof this life, and againfl the bit- terneffeof death, and horrour ofthe;grave, that we are affaredofabetter refurreelion, elfewereweeofall net mold 31 rfe. z. A type ofour reCurre Lion.