Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

LeGIZCatorit fanaification, FIeb.12, 2.1ohra 15.4,5. He is the flatter ofouronfolation,fpirituall and t temporal,c.16.37.Rom.5.1.He is the .f veet- nerand ianetifier ofall ourtroubles,Rom.fl. 37. c.He is the affurance&pledge ofour refurre6tió ,t Con t 5.2o.He is the procurer & producer of our glorificati6,Iobn 17.22. (&ek. z 1.23. All ofthé good grounds ofc6- fort, & let orth the happines ofGods peo- ple. All of them difgrace merit,& the wor- thineffe of the creatures , Men and An- gels. All of themmagnifie Gods love and wifedome, call unto thankfulneffe, and would makous content with little. All in- vice labour, to make lureof' a portion in Chrift, without whom all is as nothing. And finally, all command thole that are in Chrift, to be all unto him, doall for him, giveall,(uffer all,tpeake,live, die, rejoyce in all through him, andwith him expechall in his heavenly kingdome Looke to the Word, wherein all thefe things are revealed Chriff is evidently the matter and fumage ofthe Gofpell : and the Apoffle affirmes the like concerning the A Law, 2.