5Z Yf.z: comfort in ourCalvation accomplifzd. Jofhua a type ofchri 1 (hall fnddenly blait their power and glory, and dal them afunder as earthen vefl'ells. I 1. Comfort. All the good word of God for the salvation of his people (hail bee accornplifhed. I. Though the promife may fume out of miede, Io. ,Jhua (hall performe everyword and Cy liable of that pro- mile made threehundrethyeeres before. a. Though there be neverfo manyhindrances andmighty lets, they (hall not hinder. God promifeth the good land ; but how fnould they get thorow Iordat, feeing there is no other way ? Now rather then his promife (hall faile, he will invert the order of nature ; Jordan (hall flop his courfe, nay runne backward. The like in their corn- mingout of Egypt. God had Paid, that night they muff out ; and the fea mull give way to the promife. God promifeth iojhua to overcome 5. Kings at once ; an hard taske, andone day is too little for it; but rather then the night approaching (hall diffolve the battell, and any of them efcape, hee will command the Sunne to (land dill, and lengthen the day that his word maybee accompli- thed. Ifrael in paging to Canaan mu fl paffe the huge and terrible wilderneffe foarty yeares. Alas what (hail they cate or drinke ? Can a barren wilderneffe afford any food, or (ifany) for fo many hundred thoufand men ? But before the promife faile, heaven (hall raine ullanne , the rocke (hall give abundance of water. HathGod promifed theedaily bread, helpe in affli:`Iion, refrefhing in wearineffe, remiflion in fenfe of finne, a bleffed iffue in every triall ? Let thy faith give God the honourof truth. Heaven (hall fall and earth afcend be- fore thou beleeving (halt be fruflrate, Ifni. 54. t o. Hath heepromifed thee the heavenly Coltman ? what if thou feefl armies of enemies, of difcouragements ? thoube- ing an Ifraelite (halt not faile. For, T. Nothing in nature is fo flrong as thepromife_ z. God hathafter a fort captivated himfelfe and all his creatures to thy faith. 3. He