Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

JoThua d type ofChriJi. be doss. 3. I6.figa.mull divide their inheritance by lot, and foevery onemull: receive it; not byrightar deft t,e4.14. 2. A ndfa God. ComnftYded Mofes Numb. 26. 55 : So our loAssa divides to theelea their inheri- tance in theheavenly countrey, not fortheir merits and deferts,butby his rich and freegift. Ifno Ifraelitecould Jaimeofla/boa onefoot out of merit and elefert, but all ofpromife and grace :. much leffe maywe our Childs part inheaven. Gods mercy is mans merit:. 4. Iofhua gives them the land with this condition, that for fo great labour and trayell inpreparing fo good a land they ffoord him an inheritance among them,ch.19.4i. Our lamawas not inferiour in labour and pains to Iofbsia in purchafingusabetter land; and we mull givehiin the inheritanceheasketh(fo they did to Io r 4)thathemay dwellamongus, or inthe rnidfl ofus. Now the inheri- tancehe.asketh amongus is our hearts purged by faith. He defires nomoreof thee for all his pains but a little raw=tithe tnidfl ofthee, which himfelfe will build anddwell in. ¡Ethou doff not give himhisdemand, be. fidesthy unkindueffe and unthaakfulneffe, thybeart(hall lieasa ruinous wall, as a natty and (linking hoale, acage oluncleane beafls and lulls; yea an habitationoDevils;,, 5. Ia/ß'uabrings them into the good land, and as (Done as theyBate the corneof the land the Manna, ceafeththc next tnwrrow,eh.5.12 . So whenour Ialhraa bring as into our good land to eate the fruit ©ffir the gocdthings and meanes ofthis world fhall ceaCe. The Manna the preachingof theword, cdebratianof%crements,. faith, and hope,&c.But we arefare ofbetter meanes,or better thingswithout meanes; in thehope andexpeaarionof which:we ruffpe.rfevere in the faittt,andwalein hope throughour wilderneffe. The fruitsof that good land willbeworth all our labour. 6, Rt./boa brings none intothe landbut cotiqu:erours,, and divides the land to a conqueringpeople . So our b./haftgivestheland.ouelyta him