I. A&iqns. cfiqieno; tt,%h prom ,p°at examen in,?ar apum. t7ub.litSer.I 07 de tern `. 3 Suffccings. Sampfon a type ofthrillfl untohim asunto Sampfen)as he became a Saviour ftron- ger then the ftrong armedman. He was the trueSamp- fon that overcame many enemies, and flew heaps upon heaps. And althoagh Sampfon the type was at laft over- comeby hisenemies : our true Sa npfon is invincible, and hath glorioufly triumphedover them all. Both of themwere great deliverers; the one from great thral- dome and temporall:nifery : the other from a greater fpirituall and eternal'thraldome under fnn;, the Law,. Satan,hell, &c. I I. Sampfon wasa typeofChrist in three efpeciall actions. I. He found meat in the eater, and from the flrcingfweetnefl'e, and brought Tome of is to his parents,: Chrift by his death (whichTeemed to care him up) brgs us meat, the breadoflife, fweeter then bony; andoï tofthisdead Lyons mouth, that is, Christ dead, comes fweetnes. Thence(prang wholefloor ofChrifi!ians, lcl¿efo manyfwarmes ofbees. z. Sampfon loved firange women and went among the enemies of God for a wife; which might feeme a Crone in him, but that the text faith, It cameofGod, Iudg.i 4.4. A typeof Chrifls love to the Gentiles, callinghis love onher that was not beloved, tomake his difpifed and difperfedofthe Gen- tiles hisfpoufe and wife:as Ho/:2. z 3,Iwill have mercy on her &c, Where the whole contract on both parties is fet downe at large. 3. Sampfcn put forth his mind in parables and riddles: fodidChrift his do:trine to the Pharifes, Mat. r 3.34. I l I. In paflionand fuffering they were very like in many paitages. i. Both fold for money, Sampfon by Delilah to thePrinces of the Philiflims, Iud7. i 6, . Christ for thirty peeces offiluer unto the chiefe Prieíl. Bothbetrayed by their molt familiar ; the one to the Philiftims, the other to thePhariCees. Both under pre- tenceof love,Sampfon by D IardJ. a 6.15 . Christ by Iced&with a kiffe, Both apprehendedby their enemies; both