David a ope ofChrift. 75 feares, yea death it felfe overtooke him for our fakes, Ifa 5 3. Whereinhe laid,. My God rob),hall rheasforfak¿en me?So muff it be with us, who muff be contetst to Puffer before wecan raigne; to be crowned fiat with thornes as Chrift was, and fland with Chrift on Mount Gol- gotha, before we conic to Mount Olivet, Ite .40s 14. 2. It isfoordained by God, that lyefhould make OM" way through as flraite to_gate, through thornes to Rofes,: through troubles to refl, through f ermes to the haven, throughver- t ue toglory, through cotsqueff to triumph, throughwotrre to peace, through the Crop to heaven. And this . procefle God the fattier flri5tly obferved with his beloved f©n, as was l eceffary,Luk.24.26.phil.z.8,9,he was humbled, therefore God exalted him. And this is the Lords ho- nour, tohonour his fervants railed from the dunghill; that they may know the way to glory lyes by humi- lity. I V. It was ever the lot of the Church to have in it fecret and inbred enemies,asDavidand Chrift had;even fuck as eat bread at his table,and dipped in the difh ; and thefe have alwaies prooved more mifchievons then open and forraigne enemies. theChurch everhad hy- pocrites and falfe brethren, Satans fpyes;who,profeffing the fame Chrifl an:' religion, eating bread at the fame tableoftheLord, and making Phewoffriendship in the communion of Saints,joyning in thehearing of the word and prayer, yet watd t the haunts ofGods fervants to fpy their weakeneffe,and where they lye open to advan- tage. Every one fees they advantage not themfelves, but byall meanes undermine the Gofpell andprofeffors; fo as the filly dove of Chrift can find no reff for the foale ofher foot. And never was the Church fo woun- ded as in the houfe ofher friends. Cant. r . F. Thefanner ofmy mother were angry4gainf me. This being the eflate of the Church; to L. e hunted as the filly hare from one Muth toanother, and no where fafe, it muff make us r . more 0.1111111Mal...semsemrs. Vtper armufa ad augu(iú, perfpi- Naead cofas, per rrn tisad quzetë, perprocellas ad porti,per virtutë ad gloria, perar- ma adtriump!ú, per bella adpacé, per crucéadaela corMta:damuzs Vfe Church ever pei eyed with homebi ed ene- mies.