Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

e .dCornmentarie vpon the 88 Duerr man flá deth in as much needof daily bread for his foule as for his body. Bleffe God for thy owne libe railfuePly. Pray that o. titers in want hereofmay he fupplyed. 1rn áxßari,a. Mar.9.yö. are not yet gotten out of the elements of religion : a man is raid to be of perfect wifcdome,flrength,and other gifts ofbodie and winde in corn. pardon ofa child, or one not come to mans eflate; aMatter ofArts may be called a perfect fcholler in refpecrt ofa fchoole boy : and to this perfe- &ion of Chriflianitie are we lead by meanes of this ordinance. Pre. To reprehend fuch as conceit themfelues, that when they haue gotten a fmattring ofknowledge, they mull needs hue faith al fo , and afterward need no Miniflerie nor fermons : but marke where the life of God is, it will make the foule crane the daily bread, as the naturall life Both the bodie: neither feeth that man any thing of God , and the my- fleries ofhis kingdome as he ought, that prefumethofhis knowledge fo farre, as that when he bath begunne tobuild,and laid a foundation, like the foolegiueth ouer, and neuer commeth to lay the roofe. Perfection oftrue knowledge is the fight, and fenfeof imperfection; and religion in the heart, efpieth daily wants and decaies in the foule; andrepaired) to the ordinarie Minifleries, for the daily repairing ofthem. Which or- dinances whofoeuer contemptuoufly forfake, great fchollers they may be, but they were neuer goodmen. Vfe. a. Let vs reioyce, that the Lord hath Co liberally fupplyed vs in this necelfìtie, and teflifie our thankfulneffe in diligence and fubieétion vnder the retied miniflerie, that our iudgements, wills ., and affeaions may be fetled in the truth: for to the obferuer it will appeare , that fuch for moil part are waueringandvariable, who content themfelues with a uariable minillerie,now hearing one,now another;now here,now there, without fixing themfelues to force one. As for fuch as vnder a Ceded mi- niflerie,come andgoe at theirpleafure,nowtheyheare one Sermon,then an other, flipping in and out as they lift, to them I fay,little is their con- fcience,great is their finne,andmanifefi is their ficklenes and inconflan- cie in their religion. g. Hence is a ground ofpetirion that Godwould place Parlors in e- nerie congregation, that his kirgdome might come euery where, that euerie candleflicke might carneaburning and a fhining light: fe.eing we feehere that it is Gods ordinance, that fo it fhould be. And the greater the baruefl is, the more ought we to apply the Lord ofir, thathe would thrufiforth labourers boo his harucft,remoouingwhafoeuer impediments he feeth to hinder fuch a bleffed and glorious worke. As I appointed thee] After that the Apohle had declared Titus his placeand dutie; hecommeth to the fecondpoint, namely , his directi- on therein; not giuing him leaue to adde any thing of his owne in- uention, or alter any thing which Paul himfelfe had done; but bindeth his hands from doing or vndoinganything, in his whole adininiflrati_' on,