Epífitóc oJS. Paulto Titra. CHA.I.6. a good report,andgreat libertie in the faith. Wherein let a Miniter be wanting;ifhewere able to fpeakewith the tongues ofinen and Angels, yea,if he had a fierie tongue fitting onhis head,he (hall neuer be able to prcuailewith ignorant perlons, who mut be fenfibly taught , and that afwell by their eie,as by their care. 4. It is amolt dangerous condition to himfelfe to be a good teacher ofabad life :for fuch a one is in thefnare oftbe devil!, that is, when he feethhis life till more and more exprobra- ted,andhimfelfe more defpifedcurry day then other ( for it is hit with God, that with the wicked fhould be reproach)then hebegins to grow fo bold, and impudenr,as that he catsoff all taame,andcare, and as one defperate and hardned in thine, proftitutethhimfelfe remorfelefly vnto all lewdnes and vngodly conuerlation. Vfe. r. Hence may we fee the reafon,why theDeuill fo mightily la- boureth to hander the mot faithfulï Minilters ofChrit; namcly,rhat by the contempt of their perfons,their doarine allo might be condemned. And therefore he will play at small game ere he fit out.Ifhe cannot hin- der theMinitrie,he candifgrace it : Ifhe cannot difcontinue it he can continue adeuill (till: that is,both an aduerfarie,and an acculer of it: for eitherChrifis Difciples wafhnot,or fat not:or Chrit himfelfe is a good companion;or Iohn Baptift is too alifiere and precife; or ['erne naturali infirmity(as Elifhaesbaldpare)Ihall be cat asa rub in the way to make the DoEtrine leffe welcorne.And all this becaufe longexperience ofma- nyages bath taught this old ferpenr, that themot wretched mifcreant, euen Herod himfelfe, culls heare gladly Iohn Baprit, ifhe conceive him (ashe is) a good and godly man, carying himfelfe without reproofe and exception. The felle fame is the groundwhy he fetteth himfelfe in all a- ges to fhoue in,and hold in the Miniterie fuchperlons as ( likevnfauo- rie fait) are too bale for the dunghil;eueryway for the ouerthrow ofthis apotolicall dire&ion, vfing andurging mot impregnable arguments, drawne from aft-uitie , affeerion, fome bate and feruiìl demerit , letters, and renuets of great men, or gifts, whichblind the eyes :bywhich and many other meanes , SatansMinters( for the Apoltle calleth them no better) keepe out theMinitersof God.Whatmifcheife thcfe tratagems ofSatan haue wrought in the Churchwe may fee andbewaile, and pro- uokc thence our prayers that theLord would fo let hi4 Ringdorne come e- uery where,that fuchmaine pillars ofSatans kingdome,maybe fhaken andhroken,efpecially in reformed Churches,whtchprofefle, and auow the lifting vp ofthe fcepter ofIefus Chrit. life. a. Notehence whatconformitie is mot vrged by Chrit in all his Miniters:natnely,the visiting toYncorrupt do&rine, an vnblame- ble life: by thefetwo, (hall all men know who are the true Minilters fene' [,Tim93. Miniltri eft Tu- bavetxere in o- pera.Hierom. ad Paulinum. 4 Thedeuil kath reaten thcrf, re both torte pate the òrft,and rh mit in the worft into the minißerie. 2.King.2.23. Mar.6.so. a t:02.1f S. The moil corn. ntendablc eon - forenìrie in to icyne CO vecor rupprdoirmean vnblamcable. life.. --