Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.I.6. 96 DeaLis. i.Ca.1.;s Mitth.ly.tr,. t i4 Çommentarieupon the ail referue it among the reti of their rubbifh.But that alfo is as groffe& falfe expofition. For z. he that warrieth a (ècond wife after the deceafe of the firth, (if hekeep himfelfe faithfully vino her,) is (fill but thehus- band ofone wife,féeing the lawof the former is by God diffolued. 2. It is a generali commandement , that if' the brother die without children,his next brother was to marriehis brothers widow and mile vp feed vnto him.Now as in the other tribes,fodoubtles happened it a- mong the Leuites,and therefore the Leuite although a wìdower,was to marrie his brothers wife. O6ieEl. If it be here fa+d, that now we are in precepts deliuered toMinihers of the newe Tefiament ; and arenot to fquare our felues vnto that fpeciall adminißration of the old : I anfwer that the generali precepts ofthe newe Tehatnent affirme no leffe:as,He that cannotcontaine,lec himmarrie:and to all widowes the Apohle gi- ueth ¡cane to marrie,fo in the Lord:and that this is of generali & perpe- tual¡ equitie tomen ,as well as women,and to all fortsofinen,as to one kind,is plaine by Rom..;. The woman if thehusband be dead , is free from the law of the man,to asfbe it not an adulterer rf/he take anotherman. To which truthmany of the fathers accord. Thirdly, an ocher Height ofthe Papifis muff be auoided, who haue thus corrupted it: If any haue been the husbandofsee wife,and now be not, he maybe aminiher:but the fpirit ofGod changech no renfes here and theword eri,rnuh be fupplied d4rd xowî. Lahly,neicher mat it be vnderflood,foas the Minifiermuff of need. fitie be the husband ofone wife, and may not line fingle: for though all cannot receiucChrihs !peach concerning concinencie , yet fome there are towhom it is giuen, and to them his counfell is , hee that isable to re- ceivethitlet him receiucit. But the true meaning is, that the Minifler ought to bee content with one wife at once, andnot defile himfelfe by polygamie : and this precept was not without ground:for among both levees and Gentiles the cuhotne ofpolygamiehad fo farre preuailed , that it was becomeas naturall,tomanic many wiues at once :now the Apohle perceiuing that cuhome,had taken away the fenfeof the finne, and placing Titus to re- drehè things amifïe,he beginneth at this great enormitie,& prohibiteth him to choofè Inch into office in the Church, as had giuen fuch note of an inordinate life. Qefl.But was it lawfull for other men to haue more wines then one at once; Peeing the precept is giuen onely to minihers? Anf. No:and yet the miniflerhere onely inhibited direétly, as whomhe dealeth with:but the people herein alfo,fo faras his example was pro- pounded to their imitation,in theobferuation ofthe whole lawof God. For here we may fitly obferue thefe a. rules for our direétions, a. That all