Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

TheEptjlleDedicatorie. tion todedicate this labour vnto your Hon. although I wanted notforce more private refpeétsallo toforce me thereunto:name- ly,thatI might giue fome publike teflimonie ofmy lout of your venues; Come approbationofmyChriftian dulie, and tome ftgni- fication of my thankefull mind (as for other favours fo alfo) for yourHonours Chriftianand confiant loue of that worthy & ver- tuous Ladie the Ladie Will, whom I could nor butaffoard an ho- nourable mention in this dedication,which I muff needs confeffe, had been herright, ifGod had feene good to haue added vnro her dayes. Accept I humbly befeech your Honour the mindoftheof- ferer; accept allo the book offred,ifnot for the author ofthe Corn- mentarie, yet for theAuthor ofthc Text,ardthe argumentwhich isworthy your H. name and refpoti. I doubt not butyourH.fhall redeetne many vacant houres in reading ouer many of the trea- rifes therein contained. And thus crauing pardon for myboidnes, Icommend your H. to thegraceofGod, who protra6tyour daies and yeares, according to the large gracesbellowed vpon you;and profper and finifh thegood workehe bath begun , byadding that which isyet lacking to your faith andgraces, till he haue fittedyou vnto,and filledyou with glorie and immortalitie. Amen. From my houfc at Watford. March. 16. 1612. Tour H. inalldutie to becommanded, THOMAS TAYLOR.