Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Eliiffleo` S. Patti to Titus. CHAP. i.6. Rand onely to thole which we hatte fromChrifi and his Apoales. so; t77ò. Seeing then this is ohe of the !awes of nature, euery one that Euerymm dnt hashnature in bath nature inhim bath right vnto ir. In the (late of innocencie, marri.. him,hathright age was intlituted as a further perfcélion, then manhactby his creation : arc "V Of fiuce the fall, it isalfoa remedie of his imperfection. 2. The tlpotlle calleth it, honourable amongall: the newe Papifls fhift, s' 41 things, is a fenfleffe cauill, and full of folly : betides, the words following rellraine it toperlons : But whooremongers, &c. Odiett. But if among all, faith Bellarrwine,then among themof confanguinitie and afPinitie. Anfwr. If hehad looked CO the words following, and the beddevndefiled , he would haue faued that obie&Rion. 3. The Priells of the lawe , yea the high Prieft that was tooffer before the Lord twiceeuery day,and the Leuites and theProphet=, and Prophetiffes ; and the Apoílles, andmoll of their fucceffors, till a 1070. year es after Chrifl were married men. Famous TPii chetia,e and very remarkeable is that confeffiónof Poycrates Bishop of Ephcfus, brand. nptxitde who af}ttmeth ofhirnklfe, that he was the eight Bishop all defcendcd of eiureb.hia.ecel Biflrops : whichNilotic mee thiukes m'ìght blanke them, or caufe them iibs.rpa4 to blufh. 4. But if that doenot; the curieofGodvpon this their conai- tution, if they werenot giuen ouer to flrongdelufions, might call dung vpon their aces in this defence. Well obleruedLuther, that thisone law brought in among them all the linnesof Sodome: for which, no doubt, 'ten I. the fpirit ofprophecie calleth Rome by the nameof Sodome, for the fo- ca Bay of a domiticall filthinefle of it: for the defence of which unnatural! and Bentuentem, monarous fanne (not to be thought on,much leffe without blufhing na.. wrote an It'c'- toed)fonteofthemhaue writtenand publifhed fundrybookes. If the mendacio of monatleries mother countries came aiwell to the rifling , as ours did in Z.00doomie. s the dales ofKingHenrie theeighr,of famousmemorierherfore ;no doubt did the tike, but many Rates mightbe let on wenke to write many centuries of their Pero uedbys filthineffe. Or if forceof their fifhponds come to the catling, as that. in the ball of Gregorie the greats time, itmaybe that lonreoftheir ovine would not Popoß%tus4. flicke to writeof 6000. heads ofinfants found intheinuddeblfomeone builtalimes of them. But becaufe it is a fhame to fpeake in publike , of the things at xom the fame vnna- they fhame not to doe in fecret; I will forbeare further to mooue and tall loft. igtm. flirre in this finke, which fuflicicntly Rinketh in thenoflrills of Godand hareç,p d.qui men;and conclude thepoint with Epipbanius his fpeach, They ha' re- tuns Altai. fufedmarriage, but not ¡sjl: no truer ofthe Originians thencf allthe Pop: fh cientce,tita cot- para corruptia orders. nitr,dentes. DeElr. 2. Polygamiewas euer a thingblame-worthy, and cuillin it felfe, nottivithflandingmuch vied of Iew, andGentile. Reafons, t. The firftmatrimoniewas inflituted betweene two petiom onely; Polygamy is& of whom theLord laidex P tef'el Y,The two , (northe t y three or more) i'.l .".adwar- G _.4 shall