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CHAo.1.6. 104 zmnlæ. Gca.3ar. Obicains an. fwered. The firf cor- ming in of Po lyaamre fermes plainly to otter- turne the corr. trary opinion of Aquinas, whole words are theft ;Pieri poruit ddpcn ratio à deo per infpirationem inttrnam.Sup- plcm.3.part.qu. es.art.s. c.í4Commentarie upon the (hall be one flelh.In which firf infitutionare two grounds ouerturning this (lone. T. Gods aóiion of creatingone man,and one woman, and no rnoe. a. His iniun&ion and traitcharge to all,poferitie, that one man fhould cicaue to one wife, who nullbe his wife, and no firanger, & not tomany wiues at once: fo as it is again(} the lawof nature, and the firfl in(,litution. 2. The Lord by Mofes forbiddeth it,Leu.T 8.i 8. Thou !halt not takr axewoman toherf:fler: that is,thou !halt not take one woman to another, to make them as tillers; for in the 16. verle, the marriage of the wiues fi- fer is forbiddenby proportion euen in monogamic: nonot after the fi- llersdeath, feeiog confanguinitie & affinity agree in duration alike. Be. fides that the phrafe in Hebrew is commonly tovfed:as Gen.$6. { r. Ex- od. 26.3. and the reafonof the precept is, that fuck a onemuff nor be ta- ken togrieue the other, and feemeth properly to be meant of wiues in Polygamie,who in the Scriptures are called aduerfarier. 3. The Prophets themfelues reprooue it,vpon the ground of the firf infitution: Mal, 1.15. God made but one woman at firf r_ and why but one? not that he wanted fpirit for he had abundance: but becaufebee foughtagodl feeds: wherefore keepe your felues in your fpirit, and let noman tranfgrefe againa the wifeofhis youth:where the Prophet pro- ueth it to henot onely agninf the firf} inrflitution,but wifhheth all polie- ritie carefully to auoide it. himfelfe taxeth it as a violencing of the firf infitution :Mar. T9.4,5. Haue yeenot read that God made them at the beginiangmale& ferule? and for this castle !hall a man leaue father and mother,and cleaue to hiswife,(not wiues) hnd they twaiee (hall be onefefh. 5. Chri(is Apoliles condemned it, Eph. 5.31. the fame (peach of our Sauiour Chrif repeated: 1.Cor.7. Let every than haue his owne wife,not wiues: and here the Apofle accounteth it filch a blot , as hindereth the adwiflion of any Poch into the minifierie. Arad thus polygamie beeing condemned by the firf infitutionofmarriage before the Law, and alto in the Lawe,after the Law by the Prophets , after them by Chrili him- felfe, and by his Apofiles, it followeth,that it waseucr an cuill condem- ned cuco from the beginning. Obidf. But the exampleof themoti of thePatriarkcs is alleadged for the lawfuinesof it,for els all they wouldnot haue vied it, beeing the heft- men that euer hued. Anfw. The canon lawefaith, that a commonerror,may not preju- dice theleaf truth:true it is,that after that moil fanage tyrant Lamech had firf depravedGods ordinance, it greatly predailed by example, and efpecially then when there was noking in Ifrael:yet notwithfanding the Pro-