Epi,flleof S. PaultoTitus. CriÁri6. lulls of theGentiles; and called exccffeof riot: fee, t,Pet.4.4,5 3. It is t t 5 not onely an enemie to religion; butalfo foyleth all ciuill vernies: as iu- 3 ( lice, temperance, fobrietie, peace, chaflitie, humilitie, truth , &c. For what is the n.ffling, andrcyUig 111e of anumber of our gallants, and 'tithe bloods ; but an intemperate, an vnpeaceable courfe? beefing men of a word and a blowe, breathing out nothing but bìgge words , loude lies, fearefull oathes: hsuing fo farce forfeited all the truth andcredit, as they may iufply be Rif-pee-led, lea({ when they fpeake truth, they ( as their father the deniii) doe it todeceiue : not at any time contenting or a&ing, but what may (land with their bruiti(h appetite. And yet thefe men call thcuìfelues, and one another good companions , and good fel- lowes; but if curt the Lordopen theireies to fee their wales, their own tongues (hall coufeffe, that all this while they were fo farce from the fuit of Saints and good men, that they were vnfit companie for honed ciui!1 men. 4, Such anhateful! Gnne this is, aswhere it riferh to any height in 4 o. children, the LordMil bane the parents themfelues, to become both ac- cufers and witne(fes againfi their children: and profecute them till they fee them (loved to death: whereof the Lord gìueth two rcafons , T. to tt,ke away thecnilloffnwe : z. to take away the cuill of infeo`lion: that ¿i othersmay faire by his example. 3. Thevfe. r. Let no man that wouldbe counted religious, vphold A noteofirre- riotoufbc(fein his chíldten ,itbeeinganote ofvnfaithfulncs, irreligion, c'sco'f,rter and a tainted heart.How can Inchparents becounted faithful,that fbffer is in thcirchil- their formes anddaughters to runne into the infamie ofpride, prodigali- d`B1 tie, caeca; not vfing meanes to reclaime them, but rather fitting them by outwardmeans with fewell to thefe flames ?Shal God command thee to bring out thy riotous forme to (lolling; and wilt thou rather fircng then him in this (inne? z lithe fume be fohateful! in all mens children , much more in the Efpeciatty;n a tonnes of Minifers, againfc which our Apofile leuelleth. And let all our Ranit lr, c d, i the Is. youth, efpeciallyMini(iers tonnes. of whom there are filth Fiore in tbefe hours ufhu fchooles ofthe Prophets, confider, that by their riotous andvnthriftie fatt,rr courfes (which are takenvp by too many)they not onely flaine their fa- ' thers do&rine, calling, and profefion ; but call his finies ,into queflion: and put it alto out ofquellion, that themfelues are altogether wnfit for the Miniflery. And further, if it be fo hatefull its Miniiers children, it is altogether intolerable in Minitiers themfelues: would God a number could as eafily walh their hands of it, as it is odious and hateful! in them. `Tobe bewailed 3. Itminifltethvsoccafrontobewaile the riotous dayes we hue in: that arefutt a Gnne fhould True is that (peach ofone, The liberalitieof the world bath hurt the in- be m gcneralt. I-1 a habitants: