Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epiflleo t S. Paulto Titus. CHAP.I.7. Citifies prefent ; as al Co the prenenring of finnes for time to come. 3. x3/ W I hereas Salomon faith, that the righteous falling before the wicked,are 3 as aeon-opt well, and troubledfpring ; that is, they trouble, offend, and af- p1on.,ds.as, cx ter a fort poyCou many ; let the godlybe careful! to make right Reps vn- Fin" to their feete :and the rather in there daies, which fomuch the more call WI s.tc. for our watchfu!nes, by how much the wicked'aremore readymaliciou- fly to difgrace our proieffion : that before we Ihall go away vnreproo- ued, they can call reproaches on vs for well doing: yea and for our fakes, euen vpon eluill conuerfation, often in fuch as haue no grace , neither ilaew, or fubflance ofreligion in them. And therefore feeing we are fo lure to fuffer, let vs be lurewePuffer woe as mill doers. r.Pee.a :o, Notfroward ] Now followeth in the refi of this feauenth verve, the e- numeration ofthe vices which mull be farte remooued from that man, who is to be chofen for a Minifler,that he may be vnblameablc :and they are fine in number: I. frowardnes: z. anger : 3. wiuc-bibbing :4. con- tention, and fighting a fruit of it : 5. couetoufnes. The fir fl of the flue, isfrowardnes. Theword fignifieth onewayward, e64 .Is. (life, inflexible, flubborne : and carrieth with it two properties:the one that sucha one pleafeth himfelfe, yea fetleth and refieth himfelfe wholly in his owne inuention, counfell, opinion, or 26-lion: the other,that way- Ñ & dl.îr. wardly and peeuifhly he reiceteth , and defpifeth others in their opini- ons andaelioas: an inflanee ofwhich we haue in Nabal, who was fo fro - ward,as there was no(peaking ro him, fo hardnedhe was againfl all coup_ rsane,rs.ry. fell or perfwafion. Door. Frowardueffe in whomloeuer, is a matter of coin report, and Frcwardnort'o Inch a fpot as ull not appeare in him, who is to be cholen a Mini- mo(taancrnus m in a Miniltcr. fier.. Reafons. r. It is the mother of errour in life, and doElrine, yea of Reatone. (range opinions, fchifines, and herefies themfelues; and it cannot be o- i therwife, feting thecareofa felfe-conceited perfon , is (hut againfl all counfell, without which, thaughtscome to naught : as where many counfe1- prop.rs.aa. lersare, isfledfafnef'e. And as curry where almoll the wicked man is termed a froward man,and a wicked and vngodly hearr,a froward heart; fo is it generally true which the wifeman obferued, that fuch a froward heart can neuerfindegood, hut cuill and woe cleaueth vote) it : and there- pr,,,,17,=o. foreDetuid, whenhe would (hut the doore ofhis foule againfl much cull, Paid, afrowardheartfmlldepartfromme: I will not knome,that is, affeoi,and Pillows aEt eai/l. 2. Whereas men thinke it a note of learning and wifcdome,' ' a not toyeeld an inch in any opinion they take vp, the fpirit ofGodbran- deth ir, with a note of folly: and it is noother then the way oldie foole, which feemeth good in his owne ties. Indeede neither Minifler nor or- I a dinarie