CHAP. d.7. C/1Conementarie upon the 138 rancour and malice:not towracke it felfe vpon the perfon,bur the finne: nor for one perfon to hate any other, (as commonly for the wcaknes of force one profeltor,all are hated)nor to puffe vp,buc tohumble himfelfc in the weaknes ofanother pncr to reioyce, but forrow in their fall ; nor to revenge , but compaflîonatly to come&, confidering himfelfe. And for the time ; grate fuffereth not the heart to giue place ro the -dead, nor thefunne to fer uponour wrath , much lef(e to make it our bedfel- low. Mcanc, to re- 2. Themeaner to bridleand flay this rah andvnaduifed anger,fland preffc fh an- art/ in meditations partly in raólifes, For the former: 1. Meditate Rer,of two p ly , ' p forts, on theprovidenceof God, without which not the leaf/ greife or iniurie ''M`d'at ors' could befall vs : for euen the teat/ is a portion of that cup which Gods hand reacheth vnto vs to drink of.And this wouldbe as water to quéch this inflammation :as may be feene inDauid,when Shernei railed on him, s.Snn re.r°. Godbath bid himraile: and Iob looked not at the Sabeans and-theeues, rob rat, but the Lord bath takenaway, bleffed be his name : and lofeph accufed not his brethren, but comforted them after their fathers death,and laid, Gen p.m. The Lordfent me into Egyptbeforeyew. 2.'O:s thepatience and lenityof 2 God, who with much mercie fuffereth weffellt ordained veto del ruflion. ftom.9,z¢. How long did he fuller the old world ? how loath was he to flrike; if in anhundred and twentie yeareshe could haue reclaimed them. And . adde herunto the rneeknes ofour Lord fetusChrifl,who hath comman- NA amt. a9. ded vs to learn it ofhim: his voice was not heard in the flreetes ;abrui- fed reed he would not breaker how long barehe withTudas,bceing no betterthen a Deuil within his family?that euen when he was meditating his fnne, bee wasloath to difcouc.r him plainly tobe the man ; but bee Cbap,26. =3. that dippeth withmee, andone ofyau !hall betray me; not expreffely no- ting Ludas: and whenhe was aóuing his (tune, Chrifi refufednot tokifie V r$O' him,but called him- freind,and vttered fuch words,as might bauewrung 1 out not cures,but blood, out ofthe moil rockie heart of any , but the 3 i fonne of perdition. 3.O:r the vnbounded meafure of Gods mercie, roh.17, whole verme his child mull endeauour CO expreffe. God forgiuerh to that man which iniureth thee muchmore then thou canfi ; he forgiuech him infinite fin nes and canil not thou paffe by one offence?and thou hail more reafon,for thou knowefl not his heart, nor his intention;it may be hemeant better vnto thee:neither art thou acquainted with the flrength ofhis temptation, which perhaps was loch as would haue ouerchrowne thy felfe; nor thereafon why the Lord fuffereth himto beoucrcome, and fall by ir. And yet Vail this cannot bridle the headinesof this vile lull , apply this mercieofGod to thy felfe : thou flandefl in need of a leaof Gods mercie, for the wafhing of fo many foule offences ; and wilt