Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

A commebtarie vpon the 146 tan and (inn:, and wound the confciencesof men, and caft downe high cogitations which fortifie themfelues in firong holds., and exalt them- felues againfi God: as ofpride, rebellion, falle conceits , andopinions ; namely the (word ofthe fpirit put into their hands,which in the conflant and confcionable preachingof it, beeing wifely welded,is fufficient and ArmsEpifeopi `: owetfuhl,againft all enmities befieging the foule. Befides , they haue ttahr añ br. prayers, ceares, faith, zeale, loue: if Minifters-will flrike, they maywith thefe, andought: and the effe&will be proportionable, that is, not to bring mensbodies into fubiedlionvnto themfelues; but their foules and confciences vnto the obedience ofChrilt. This cattle is not wonne by fibs or club -law : neither with the ftrokes ofthe tongue, by bitter and fierce rayling fpeaches :nay the feruant mufft not thusffriue, but begen. tie towards all men, apt to teach, fuffering the euillman patiently,a.Tim. 2.24. a. The Minifter is theSurgeon of mens foules, who muff heale wounds, but not make them,except for cures fake : Andas a good Phy- fitian who beateth not his patient, no not when through diftemper per - happes he mayfall vpon him; but confidereth hiscafe, and goeth on in hiscourfe ofcure : fomuff the Minifier (after the example ofChrift)be- a.rets.as. ing fmitten, not Imiteagaine: beeing reviled, not reuile againe: beeing inpatlion, not threaten. For if fuch had beene fit meaner to build his kingdome, how eafily could Chrifi hauebeen auengedof his enemies? nay which is more, if Peter (hall in the loue and zeale ofhis Matter, and that in the defence of his life, draw a (word ; Chrill will bid him put it vp againe into his place, for he is now out ofhis owne element, and newly fiepped out of his calling : not without indignation threatning him, that ifhe dares take the fword, when God bath not put it into his hands , he (hall perilla with it. Yea, and leaft any man for his caufe fu- fiaine bodilybrine, hewill heale Maicus his care, who furely deferued nothing leffe.Whence eafilywe fee,thatchofe fierymen,who with chofe twoDifciples would for euery iniurie call for fire from heauen,knowe not ofwhat fpirit theyare of. 3 3. TheMinifter is to watch ouer wens manners more then others: now ifefpying (as he!hall)contempt and rebellion in fome; malice,de- ceit, diffembling in others; and vnkindnes and vnthankefulnes ineuerie corner : what a life fhould helead,if hefhouldbe alwaiesready to draw? if hefhould not beare with fome faults, and take,none at theworfil yea, ifhe fhouldnot refemble God himfelfe, whole roome he fiandeth in; who ftrikethnotfor eueryefcape, but is flow towrath, and grieued for the euill ? Lecnonehere alleadge Chrifts whipping the buyers and fellers out Z Mini(krmedi- cos eft,iscarat vulnera nonip. fe verberac. ChrJlo(t. Nos palloren finmus non pez cultores.Greg. Luk9Sf ?cá.a.ap of