Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

C Ar.i,7. t.riCommentarie Won the 15 2 5 6 7 Duleisodor tucri. De male gnafr. tìs,vixâandee terciushæres. Sundry kinds of fiithyi I 2 3 couetoufneffe,but Chriflian loue feekethnot her owne things,much le(fe other mens. S. cí`Yleeknes,wayting and expe&ingGods commingtothe fupplyofour want : oppofed to the pride autf arrogancie of the cone- tous , and rich. 6. Fight thegoodfight offaith : ariue by faith, patience, and prayer, againfl all thefe lu(}s ofinfidelitie, diflruf}, earthly minded- neffe, and fuch like. 7. Lay hold on eternalllife : becing called by faith andhope, lift vp thy heart and affeólions to heauenly conuerfation : thy treafurebeeing there, let thy heart be there alto. Let fchollers let apart to the Minifierie, meditate often vpon this place. Let Miniflers confi- der they cannot bothperforme their duty,and make tents as Punt could, and therefore theymuf} layafide loch fecular bufineffe asdiffraa them from fitting thcmfelues to teach their people; and in teaching fo to cary thetnfelues, that out ofthe teflimonieof their confciences they may be able to fay withPaul, Aéi. 2o. I hastedefiredno mailsgold, filuer, norgar- menu: yea, and their people alto may feeand fay of them, that they haue fought them, andnot theirs; yea not their owneprivare profit,but thepro- fit ofmany that they might be faued. Priefls and Iefuites are content to venture life and limrne towinde men toRomifh religion, and howmuch more fhouldMinifiers ofGodbe content, with any condition togaine men vntoGod. Doetr. Out of the epithite added to withdrawe the hearts of men fromcouetoufneffe,calling that afilthy lucre, which is gotten by it wee will note two more generall infiruelions. Firf}, that there is much filthy lucre and gaine, which euery Chrif}ianmuf} abhorre; which is the rather noted,becaufe men offilthy and corrupt minder thinke any gaine clean- ly and fweet enough,let it be gotten byhooke or crooke, or blowne in by any winde. But we are toknow, that much gaine is filthy, onwhich the Lord will one day fo blow,as the third heire (hall haue little caufe to (mile in it. Now according to our former interpretation , whatfoeuer gaine it is, the profecuting whereof may argue a bale , and filthy mind; or whatfoeuer is ioyned with any finne, that is a filthy lucre.But becaufe men are loath to take knowledgeof fuch a fweet finne in fuch generali- tie, I will in particular glue Tome tali hereof, and then vfe Tomemotìues againf} it. For the former, I will comprehend it in three rules. Firf}, all vniufl gaine indealing,whetherinbargaining,or out ofbar_ gaine, is fifth), lucre. In bargaine : as felling things, I. vnproftable for the Church or Common- wealth. 2. vnfalea6le : as, r. Church-patrimo- nie, as Symoni(is : 2.liberalitie,as vfurers : 3. time, as moll Chapmen and Marchants :4. lies, as lawyers ofknowledge defending bad caufes. Thirdly, things knownetothem tobedefetiiue, either in fubflance,or vfe, whereby theybecome sfvniut price,, either in that they are riot of that