Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

r56 11ph,S.5. The fmpcoms and fignes of this crauing ficknes. Pro.yo. 1 5 2 c.s Commentaràe vpon the where it is not,it choaketh theword where it is :it maketh of profeffors, reuolters , and Apof+aces ; who in their beginning could with Iudas, teeme to forfakeall as the ocher difciplcs did; yet long before their end baue withDemas forfaken the truth, and embraced the prefent world: that(as theyoung man)they came not foha(+ily,as they departed heaui- ly.It hath caufed manydifcontented fludents togrovevp to refolucion, in heretic, popery, treafons , and mot+defperateattempts. And is is no Idle enemy to righteoufnes then to religion, beeing an vnmercifull and cruell fin,often with force one f+roke, det+roying fathers with their chil- dren, orphanes, widowes, families, and whole towiles. For whence are oppreffìngs,renr-rackings, vfuries, monopolies, thefts, robberies, and murders?are they not elpecially from thefe couetous late , which fight in the members ? 3. By (hewing the blacketaileof this (inne, which caufeth the Lord inhis anger to imite with greiuous f+rokes ; Ifa. S7. 17. for his wicked couetoufnes Iham. Beene very angry withhim,I haste [mittenhim, and hidmy relfefrom him: and is one ofthe fintas for which thewrath ofGodcommeth vpon the children ofdlfobedience,Coloff. 3.5. teaching that Inchperfons as difobediently go on in this Gnne, andwill heare nocounfell againf+it; Gods wrath burf+ethout againf+ them,and tumbleththem to hel :for no perfonsof fuch vile affections {hall enter into that holy citie,intowhich no vncleane thingcan enter: a truthof fuch certentie , that the Apoßle affureth himfelfe , that there is nonebut kssoweth that the couetousper- fon which is an idolater,hach no inheritance in the kingdome of God and Chrif+.Let the couetous perfon then conceiue ofhis eflate as hevil, God taketh him for his enemy : trshe lhuttech none out of heauenbut his enemies. Q`eJt. But how (hall I know this difafecreepingvpon mee? Anfw. The proper fymptomesof it are ; r, fgreedie defire and thirf+, like that of the horfeleach, which faith alwaies,giue,giue: yea the more a man hath, themore he wanteth ; as the dropfie perfon, themore hedrinketh, themorehe thirtieth : fo the more riches increase, the more is che coue- tous heart fet vpon them. For ifGod poffeffenot the heart, it can neuer be fatisfied: thewhole circle ofthe round earth , can neuer fill vp the fquare corners ofacouetous mans heart : onely godlines can giue con- tentment. z. efl nigardyheart to himfelfe : Eccle. 6. z. there is a man to whomGod hathgiuen richer, and treafures, and honour, and he wantethnothing for his fouleofall it defireth: but God giuech himnot power re eate'ehereof Although he hath abundance, yet the couetous heart keepeth the key whereby he hath locked it from himfelfe : fucha man ( grudgingthe very neceffarieefe'of hiswealth tohimfelfe)can be mof+