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EptileOfS. Paul to iLtGf4. CHAP. r.8 1prinklingpurification water vpon them. 2. by wafhing their clothes. 177 ;. by liming the haire oftheir whole bodies. 4. bypreparing twobul- locks, the one for a burnt offering, theother for a (inne offring for them: fee for chele, Num.8.8. Their confecration flood likewile in fowre things. s. After all this preparation, indrawing them neerer to the Lord, v.9. 2. In the impo- fition of the Ifraelites hands upon them,freely giuing themfrom them- felues to the Lord, andto his feruice,v.to. 3. In Aaron: receiving them of the people,arad finking thembefoìc theLord, v.r 1. as fuch as nowe beingmancipaceci to his feruice,were to go and come at his beck:as alto fuch as who daily were to (hakeoff that corruptionwhich hindred them in their callings. 4. By laying their hands on the heads of thetwo bul- locksprepared ;acknowledging the expiation of their own (innes, and in wayof thankefulnes now wholly offering themfelues voto that feruice. When all thefe rites were performed, they were admitted to adminifler, and not before. Secondly, the Priefls the Connes of Aaron, whole office was to teach I. Pricas. the people the doElrine received fromGod, topray for themfelues and the people, to blefre them,&offer facrifices for them; had yet more Rate in their confecration: for betidesmany of the former rites, as impofction ofhands, their fhaking before the Lord,and the facrifices common with the former : r. In the election offuck aone more carewas had : no de- formed man, no man wanting or abounding with any mcmber,no blind or blemifhedperfon might come fo neereunto the Lord. 2. In his con- fecration hemull not haue his garments waffled ( as the other) but mull haue newe garments put vponhim, Exod. 28. 41. neither muff he bee fprinkled (as the Leuices) with holy water , but with holy oyle and blood from the altar:and thus mull he be confecrated feuen dayes,Exod. 29.30. 3. In his office he may not lament for the deadof his people, no not for the Prince,but onely for thofe that are nearefl of blood in his owne houfe, Leuit.ar.3. he may not marrie a whore, nor a woman di- uorced,or one polluted, v.7. the reafon ofall this is, becaufe he mull be holy to the Lord. 4. In his failing and offending he mull haue more clen(ing then many other men, before he can be admitted veto his fer- uice: for his finnecannot be put away without a whole bullocke,Leu.4. 2. and no more was required for theexpiating of the(inne of the whole 1 congregation, ver. iq. and the blood of the bullocks null be fpriukled feuen times before the Lord for the Priefl, as well as for the whole con- gregation : implying that the Lord requireth as much fanaicie in one Priell,as in all thepeople. Thirdly, as for the high PrieR both in that he was amoreeminent type s,h;ah prime, M z ofl