Ep1f11eofS. PadtoVisa. CHAP.!. 8. phets andApoliles, who werecalled holy men of God, not oncly in that they were penmenof the Scriptures , and immediately allifted and ínfpi- red by the holy fpirit of God, and freed fromerror in their doctrine, which priuiledgewe cannot fuccede them in :but alto in regardof their holy and innocent liues,wherein alto they fhined as lights in the world, expreffing and (hewing in life, the life ofthat trueand pure religon they taught vntoothers. a. Let fuch as count this holineffe ( which is nothing but potitie of heart and life) inMinifter or people toomuch puritie andprecifenes, fee their error, and repent of it : if they Thal notfeeGod whoarewithosrit, much left {hall fuch as fcoffeat ir. We ferueaGodefpureeirt, who hath pronounced bleffing vpon the pureofheart, and threatened that dogges and vnel.tanc perfons !hall [land without the gateof that holycity.Nor- withfianding therefore many a fooles bolt, if that bee puritanifine, which many fo efleeme ; it becommeth all the people ofGod, much morehis Miniflers, in that way which they fo tearme, to fcrue the God oftheir Fathers. 3. Note that marriage is no impure or vncleane conditionof life,nor a breachofchaflitie and holineffe : for he that in the words before is per- mitted to be thehusband ofone wife, is here called alto tobolines and chaflitie. Temperate," The Papilla to maintaine the former error oftingle life, tranflate this word continenter,a : but thewords of Scripture, which for moll part are more generall,and liguratiuely comprehendmany particulars, either in commanding orprohibiting,may not be reflreined to flrengthenPopifh error. For although all the vertucs of the feueath cotnmaundement may be here included , yet the word is more general) then fo : teeing he is properly iyxnaÌñs, that hath any thing in his power, that is Lord ouer a thing to command it, and enjoy it : and here one who is Lord ouer himfelfe, his lefts, afìe&ions, appetite, who enioyeth there and is not theirs : who keepeth the commandcf thefe , and they haue hint not at command: requiring that the Miuifter fhonld be a man, that can curbe andbridle himfelfe in his willto ouermaíler it : in his affcllions, ofdelire, reuenee, mirth, forrow, &c. to moderate them, that they excrdenot the meare and due meafure : in his appetite , of meare, drinke , fleepe, recreation, thatit benot inordinate: yea in all his parts, his hands, his eyes, his tongue, &c. fo order himfelfe, as that no vnfecmcly kindeofgefturc,falhion, word , or dealing, proceede from himwhich may difgracehis calling; but to carriehimfelfe in Inch a temper, as be- commeth the former vertueof holincfre. For suer the word bathzlii- M 2 179 ',Pct.:.xt, Heb.tt.r{. Hab.t.er. AQaq.tb. Temperance what is is.